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P19 What does Mr Li do?

Where do they work?

How is Miss Li going to work tomorrow?/ When is Miss Li going to work by car?

Is John a basketball player?

Does your mother work in a hospital?

Go straight along this street. You will see it on your left.

me, got, to , take, bus, stop

P20 over, there, road, off, stop, turm, That’s, OK, B A A AC A

P21 E A B D C, T F T F T

P22 F T T F T , 3 4 1 5 6 2

P23 was interesting/wonderful/fantastic/exciting , were at, Where was born, plant trees, mustn’t, like you are, What about, What like It’s,Where along, don’t thing, Which bus

P24 B A G C F E

P25 F T F T F

What do you like?

Does he like drawing?

Does Mr Li like riding a bike?

How does he go to school?


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