
2013-06-03 16:11:48 字体放大:  

六、 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



Mrs. Jones gave music lessons at a school. She had a good voice and enjoyed singing. The only problem was that some of her high notes(音符)sounded like a gate that someone had forgotten to oil(上油). Mrs. Jones knew this and practiced these high notes when she was free. As she lived in a small house in a faraway place, she often went for long walks along the country roads and practiced the high notes there. Every time she heard a car or a person coming along the road, she stopped and waited until the car or the person was in front of her. One day a car suddenly stopped and a man jumped out and began to look at his car carefully. To his great surprise, he couldn’t find anything wrong with it. He got back into the car and drove off

( )56. Mrs. Jones was _______.

A. a music teacher B. an art teacher

C. a bus driver D. a singer

( )57. If she heard a car or a person coming along the road, she would _______.

A. go for a walk along the country road

B. stop singing and wait

C. keep on practicing

D. make a sound like a gate that someone had forgotten to oil

( )58. It was difficult for the woman _______ .

A. to sing low notes B. to sing high notes

C. to have a good voice D. to enjoy singing

( )59. The driver didn’t hear the woman singing, did he?

A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t.

C. We didn’t know. D. He heard the song.

( )60. Why did the driver stop his car suddenly?

A. Because he thought there was something wrong with his car.

B. Because he drove too fast.

C. Because he wanted to say hello to Mrs. Jones.

D. Because he enjoyed Mrs. Jones’ voice.


Bob was clever, but he never worked hard at his lessons. “I must make Bob work more and play less,” his father said to himself. “I must let Bob know I care about his study very much.” So he wrote down some questions. He was going to ask Bob two or three questions each day, and decided to begin with the simplest ones.

That evening when Bob came home from school, his father brought up the first question. “Bob,” said his father, “how many letters are there in the alphabet?”

“I don’t know,” Bob said.

“You don’t know?” the father looked unhappy. “You started school two years ago, and you don’t even know how many letters there are in the alphabet?”

“Is that so surprising? Well, let me ask you a question, Dad. You started to work in the post office five years ago, didn’t you?”

“Yes?” Bob’s father was confused(迷惑的).

“Then can you tell me how many letters there are in the letter-box over there?”

( )61. Why was Bob bad at his subjects?

A. Because he wasn’t clever enough.

B. Because he never went to school.

C. Because he didn’t work hard at his lessons.

D. Because his father had no time to help him.

( )62. What did the father decide to do?

A. He decided to give Bob some easy homework to do every day.

B. He decided to ask Bob to write down some questions each day.

C. He decided to begin with the hardest questions.

D. He decided to ask Bob a few questions each day.

( )63. What’s the Chinese meaning of “ alphabet ” ?

A. It’s “词典”. B. It’s “字母表”.

C. It’s “邮局”. D. It’s “音标”.

( )64. How long was Bob at school?

A. Five years. B. Two weeks.

C. Four seasons. D. Twenty-four months.

( )65.Which of the following is right?

A. Bob learned something very slowly.

B. The father didn’t work in a post office.

C. Bob knew the answer to his father’s question.

D. The father could not answer his son’s question.