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【摘要】要想学习好,死记硬背是远远不够的,多做试题是难免的,这样才能够掌握各种试题类型的解题思路,在考试中应用自如。下面请参考威廉希尔app 为您整理的“人教PEP六年级英语下册期中试卷”,希望同学们对试题的练习能够使成绩突飞猛进的发展。



i s c k ( ) o r s e ( )

g r y a n( ) d a s( )

l t a l e r( ) h t a n( )

o l e r d( ) t i a l( )

二、单词辨音:从A.B.C中找出一个画线部分发音不同于其他画线部分的单词,并将其序号填在( )中。

( )1.A.name B.take C.have

( )2.A.bus B.computer C.cup

( )3.A.why B.my C.your

( )4.A.picture B.it C.nice

( )5.A.do B.no C.old

( )6.A.me B.egg C.dress


( )1.I’m ______ than you.

A.tall B.taller C.short

( )2.What ______ you do yesterday?

A.did B.do C.are

( )3._______’s the matter?

A.Who B.What C.When

( )4.How do you feel today? ______________

A.Yes,I do. B.At home C.I’m tired.

( )5.I’m ______ than my brother.

A.heavier B.heavyer C.heavy

( )6.He ______ to school last week.

A.goes B.went C.go

( )7.How are you? __________

A.Fine,thank you. B.I’m 14. C.I’m 50kg.

( )8.I’m 11 years old.You’re 12 year old. You’re 1 year _____ than me.

A.young B.old C.older


1.older you I am than ( .)

2.is How your heavy cat ( ? )

3.last Mike did do What weekend ( ? )

4.5cm you My sister than is taller ( . )

5.a have I fever ( . )



A:Good morning,docter.

B: Good morning,What’s your name?

A: My name is Peter Smith.

B: How old are you?

A: I’m 11.

B: What’s wrong with you?

A: I’ve got a headache.

B: Let me have a look. Your temperature(温度) is high. Take this medicine three times a day, and stay at home. Yor’ll be all right.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.

( )1.What’s the boy’s name?

A. His name is Peter Smith. B.His name is Smith Peter.

( )2.What's wrong ______ you?

A. with B.to

( )3.How old is the boy?

A.He’s eleven years old. B.He’s eleven year old.

( )4.Who is ill?

A.Peter B.Sam

( )5.What’s the matter with Peter?

A.He’s got a headache. B.He feels too hache.


Sam: Hello, Ted, you look perfect. You’re fit now. How heavy are you?

Ted: I’m 50kg. You’re thinner than me. You look taller than before. How tall are you, Sam?

Sam:I’m 165cm and 45kg.

Ted: Oh, you’re 10cm taller than me. But you are 5kg thinner than me, please eat more.

Sam: Yes, I want to be as fit as you.

( )1.Ted is taller than Sam.

( )2.Ted is thinner than Sam.

( )3.Sam looks perfect.

( )4.Sam is 45 kg.

( )5.Ted is 155 cm.


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