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PEP人教版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Last Weekend试卷



【编者按】为了丰富教师的生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了PEP人教版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Last Weekend试卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

PEP人教版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Last Weekend试卷

姓名__________ 班级__________


_____________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________


1.I _________(watch) TV last night.

2. Li Ming ________(go) hiking last year.

3. Zhang Peng ____________(study) English with Mike.

4. It __________(is ) a windy day yesterday.

5. The dog jumped into the lake and _____________(swim) to the kite.


( ) 1. ---What did you do last weekend? --- I _____my grandparents.

A visit B visited C visites

( ) 2. ---What did you do yesterday? --- I listened ____ music.

A to B with C at

( ) 3. Saturday morning, Wu Yifan played football _____ his friends.

A in B to C with

( ) 4. --- I went swimming_____. A last summer B tomorrow C next Sunday

( ) 5. --- What did Amy do yesterday? --- She _____ to a park.

A went B go C goes

( ) 6. --- Did you ______ the piano last weekend? ---Yes, I did.

A played B play C playes

( ) 7. Suddenly Wu Yifan’s kite flew ____ a lake. A on B to C into

( ) 8. Five minutes _____, he returned the kite ____ me.

A later; to B late ; to C later; in

( ) 9. I was very grateful ____ him. A on B with C to

( ) 10. ---How was your weekend? ---______________.

A I’m tired. B It was a busy one. C Thank you.


1. did you what do yesterday ____________________________________

2. you did go the to park weekend last _________________________________

3. Zhang Peng to Mike’s walked home _________________________________

4. his it birthday was grandma’s ___________________________________

5. tongue twisters read together funny we _______________________________


( ) I went to a park. How about you?

( ) Did you watch TV?

( ) What did you do last weekend?

( ) Yes, I did.

( ) I read books with my sister.


1.---What did John do last summer?

--- He __________________.

2. --- Did Amy draw pictures yesterday?

--- ___________________.

3. --- What did Mike do last weekend?

--- ______________________.

4. --- Did Sarah read books yesterday?

--- ________________.


Zoom was busy last weekend. He washed his clothes Saturday morning. Then he went to a park. On Saturday afternoon, he did homework and went fishing. On Sunday morning he cleaned his room, then he visited his grandparents. On Sunday afternoon, he played football and watched TV.

( ) 1. Zoom went to a garden Saturday morning.

( ) 2. Zoom did homework and went skating.

( ) 3. Zoom cleaned his room Sunday morning.

( ) 4. Zoom played football and watched TV Sunday afternoon.

( ) 5. Zoom did some housework last weekend.

以上就是PEP人教版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Last Weekend试卷全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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