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外研版六年级英语下册:Module 4习题



【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了外研版六年级英语下册:Module 4习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

外研版六年级英语下册:Module 4习题




( )1.s perm ket A.u,ar B.u,ea C.u,ee

( )2.bir d A.sh,ay B.th,ay C.ch,er

( )3. c try A.e B.a C.o

( )4.b 11 n A.o,oo B.e,ee C.a,oo

( )5.fini A.ch B.sh C.ph


1.给某人说你好 2.生日贺卡

3.飞走 4.太晚了

5.1ook at the sky 6.your birthday party


( ) 1.She is buying things your birthday party.

A.to B.for C.in

( ) 2.Who can me? I carry them a11.,

A.help,can B.help,can’t C.teach,can

( ) 3.It's too dark. I see nothing.

A.can B.can't C.do

( ) 4. I can a birthday card.

A.make B.making C.made

( ) 5.----- Where’s my mum?

----- She’s the supermarket.

A.at B.under C.over

( ) 6.-----The books aye falling!

-----I help you.

A.will B.am C.do


( )1.当你遇到困难,要找人帮助时,会说:

A.I will help you.B.Can I help you?

C.Who can help me?

( )2.当别人对你表示感谢时,你会说:

A.Thank you. B.Not at a11. C.Sorry.

( )3.当你想表示太糟糕时,会说:

A.What a mess!B.It’s difficult.C.So beautiful.

( )4.当你很惊讶时,会说:

A.It’s wonderful.B.Oh,dear! C.You're welcome.

( )5.当你建议某人不要在阳光下读书时,你会说:

A.Don’t speak. B.Don’t read in the sun.

C.Try to stand up.

( )6.当你想表达自己会说英语时,说:

A.I can speak English. B.I can't speak English.

C.I can speak America.


near over under behind between at

1.The plane is flying the building.

2.The shoes are the bed.

3.I'm sitting my father and my mother.

4.-----Where are they?

-----They are schoo1.

5.She is standing the tree,so I can’t see her.

6.I often go to school on foot, because my home is

my schoo1.


My name is Jack.I am sixty years old.I went to a fruit

shop yesterday.I bought many fruit there,such as apples,

bananas,mangoes and oranges.They are all my favourite fruit.

It cost two dollars and seventy-five cents for apples,three

dollars for bananas,and four dollars and fifty cents for

mangoes and oranges. They were too heavy.I couldn’t carry

them.Zhanghai helped me,and he is one of my Chinese friends.

How old is Jack?

Where did Jack go yesterday?

How much did the fruit cost?

Was there a man helping him?

5.Where is Zhanghai from?




You may use:

bedroom, bookshelf, bed, desk, picture, toys…

in, on, under, beside, next to, behind…



1.Can you swim?

2.Can you play the piano?

3.When do you get up every day?

4.Which subject(学科)do you like best?

5.How many lessons do you have on Monday?

At what temperature does water freeze?




0℃ B) 15℃

C) -5℃ D) -10℃

以上就是外研版六年级英语下册:Module 4习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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