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外研版六年级英语下册:Module 2习题



【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了外研版六年级英语下册:Module 2习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

外研版六年级英语下册:Module 2习题







(一) 写出下列词语对应的形容词。

1.snow 2.sun 3.cloud

4.rain 5. wind

(二) 写出下列词语的反义词。

1. hot 2. cool 3. wet 4. new


( )1.p nic

A.ic B.ea C.ee

( )2. ar nd

A.er B.ou C.au

( )3.n gh

A.ar,ph B.ou,ty C.au,ty

( )4. b ti

A.eau,fll B.eau,ful C.aiu,ful

( )5.tw l

A.e,ev B.a,ve C.e,ve


1. It’s yellow.It can swim.It’s a d .

2. It’s going to snow s .

3. We’re going to walk a the zoo.

4.A n cat! It’s going to eat my fish.

5.Let’s go there. It’s not wet. It’s d .


What When Where Which Why Who

1. ----- are you going to next Sunday?

-----I’m going to the Great Wall.

2. ------ are you going to eat?

------We’re going to eat at five o’clock.

3. ----- one do you like best?

-----I like the big one best.

4. ----- are they going to do?

----- They are going to eat our sandwiches.

5. ----- is your English teacher?

----- The woman in red is.

6. ----- are you going to Tibet(西藏)?

----- It’s cool there in summer and it’s beautiful.


1.today/ are/ what/ going/ do/ to/ we(?)

2.be/ tomorrow/ what’s/ weather/going/ like/ the/ to(?)

3.is/ going/ windy/ it/ be/ to(.)

4. the/ like/ in/ what’s/ going/ be/ Harbin/ weather/to(?)


My name is Xiaoli.I am 12.I like drawing very much.Last

Sunday my parents took me to the park. I drew some flowers,

grass, butterflies,trees,birds and so on. There was a lake

near here.There was some fish in it. My father likes fishing

very much. He was very happy. My mother just looked at us.

We had a very good time there,and I wanted to go there once


1. How old is Xiaoli?

2. When did they go to the park?

3. Is there a lake near the park?

4. What did Xiaoli do?

5. Did Xiaoli want to go there once again?




Example: A:What are you going to be when you grow up?

B:I’m going to be an actor.

A:How are you going to do that(你将怎么做呢?)

B:I’m going to take acting lessons.





例子:-----What’s the weather going to be like in Beijing?

-----It’s going to be sunny.








以上就是外研版六年级英语下册:Module 2习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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