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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了外研版六年级英语下册同义句练习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!




1. It’s too cool to go swimming.=It’s ______ _______ _______ to go swimming.

2. I spent ten minutes finding the address.= _____ ______ me ten minutes _____ _____ the address.

3. The map shows us the place of the river.=The map _____ the place of the river ______ us.

4. The students sat down and began having classes.=The students _____ ______ and began having classes.

5. The student has never been late for school.=The students has never been late _____ _____ _____school.

6. Farmers can tell us how we can pick apples.=Farmers can tell us _______ _____ _____ apples.

7. What’s the price of them?=______ ______ are they?

8. My sister bought me a present.=My sister ______ a present ______ me.

9. Lesson 8 is very difficult. He can’t understand it.=Lesson 8 is _______ difficult ______ he can’t understand it .

=Lesson 8 is _______ difficult ____ _____ _____ understand it.

10. Only one of us wants to travel there by plane.=Only one of us wants to ______ _____ ______ to travel there.

11. He is the tallest in the class.=He is ______ than _____ ______ _______ in the class.

=He is _____ than ______ _______ in the class.

12. Shall we go now?=_____ _____ ______ now?=_____ _____ ______ now?=_____ _____ _____now?

13. He got a job at last.=He got a job ______

14. He got a job at last.=He got a job ____ _____ ______.

15. They lived everywhere.=They lived _____ _____ ______.

16. Is he from Greece?=_____ he _____ ______ Greece?

17. What is your favourite film?=What film_____ you _____ ______?

18. There are over seventy students. =There are ____ _____ seventy students.

19. Finally he got a job.=_____ _____ ______ he got a job.

20. I was doing my homework when the teacher came in.

=The teacher came in____ I was doing my homework.

21. Have you got any apples?=____ you _____ any apples?

22. It took us ten minutes to clean the room.=We ____ ten minutes _____ the room.

23. Teachers can help students to study.=Teachers can help students _____ _____ _____.

24. Maybe you’re thinking about it.=You ____ _____ thinking about it.

25. He is too weak to work like this.=He is ____ _____ _____ _____ work like this.

26. The desk cost me 30 yuan.=I _____ 30 yuan ____the desk.

=I _____ 30 yuan ____ the desk.=I _____ 30 yuan ____ _____ the desk.

=I _____ the desk _____ 30 yuan.

27. What’s the matter with you?=What’s ____ _____ you?

28. They are too young to go to school.=They are _____ young ___ they ____ go to school.

29. They no longer live here.=They ______ live here _____ _______.

30. They ran away from the prison.=They _____ from the prison.

31. They succeed at last.=They succeed ______.=They succeed ________.

32. Pass a ball to me, please.=Pass _____ ____ _____ ,please.

33. The trees release oxygen.=The trees ____ ____ oxygen.

34. Tell me the whole story.=Tell me ____ ____ ______.

35. Where are you from?=Where ____ you _____ _____?

36. This one is more important than the other two.=This one is ____ ____ ____ of the _____.

37. The boy was too short to climb the tree. =The boy was ____ short ___ he ____ climb the tree.

38. He fell asleep immediately. =He fell asleep _____ ______.

39. The countries each have their customs. =____ ______ has ____ each customs.

40. He can look after himself. =He can _____ ______ _____ himself.

41. Mary wrote her newspaper a report. =She _____ a report ____ her newspaper.

42. They met each other in the end. =They met each other _____ ______.

43. Writing a story is all you have to do.=All you have to do is ____ _____ a story.

44. He has been dead for two years. =He ___ two years ago.

45. Dinosaurs lived in the world more than 60 million years ago.

=Dinosaurs lived ____ ____ ____ 60 million years ago.

46. What else can they do?=_____ _____ _____ can they do?

47. Trees can pass information one another.=Trees can pass _____ _____ _______.

48. Without tree shade, the Earth would get too hot to live on.

=Without tree shade, the Earth would ____ get _____ ______ to live on.

49. We had better get some facts on all kinds of paper now.

=_____ _____ ____ ____ to get some facts on all kinds of paper now.

50. I’d like to go to Beijing.=I ____ to go to Beijing.


1. not warm enough 2. It took, to find3. shows, to 4. had seats

5. to go to 6. how to pick

7. How much 8. bought , for

9. so, that/ too ,for him to 10. take a plane

11. taller ,any other student/taller, any others

12. Why not go /How about going/What about going

13. eventually 14. in the end

15. here and there 16. Does, come from

17. do, like best 18. more than

19. In the end

20. while 21. Do, have

22. spent, cleaning 23. with their study

24. may be 25. not strong enough to

26. paid, for/spent, on/spent, in buying/bought, for

27. wrong ,with 28. so, that ,can’t

29. don’t, any longer 30. escaped

31. finally/eventually 32. me the ball

33. let out 34. all the story

35. do ,come from 36. the most important, three

37. so, that, can’t 38. at once

39. Each country, its 40. take care of

41. wrote, for 42. at last

43. to write 44. died

45. on earth, over 46. What other things

47. one another information 48. not ,cool enough

49. It’s better for us 50. want



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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