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外研版六年级英语下册Module 4 Unit 1习题



58. We are playing cards. Would you like coming, too? __________ _________


59. Do you your homework at 8 every day? __________ ___________


60. Let the old man to get on the bus first. __________ ___________


VIII. 完形填空。

Xiao Ling has a good friend. ___61___ name is Lucy. She is ___62___ the USA. She is an American. Xiao Ling and Lucy are in ___63___ same class. They go to school six days a ___64 . They stay at 65 on Sundays. Lucy 66 China and Chinese food. Her favourite food is rice cake. At school they play football 67 class. Xiao Ling and Lucy like ___68 things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sundays. Lucy___69___ English and 70 Chinese. They are good friends.[

61. A. She B. Her C. Hers D. She’s

62. A. from B. to C. of D. for

63.A. a B. an C. the D. /

64. A. month B. year C. hour D. week

65. A. school B. home C. factory D. house

66. A. like B. likes C. liking D. is liking

67. A. at B. for C. after D. in68. A. make B. making C. do D. does

69. A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks

70. A. many B. any C. a lot D. a little

IX. 阅读理解。

A. 阅读短文,根据文章的内容选择正确答案。

It’s Sunday. Sue is 13 today. Her friends, Ann, Lily and Kate, come to her home. “Sit down and have a cup of tea!” says Sue. “Thank you! Whose birthday is it today, Sue? Er, I forget. Let me see.” “Happy birthday to you, Sue!” says her friends.

“Here is a cake for you. I’m sorry it’s too small. It’s cheap. The shop doesn’t sell big ones. Lily doesn’t like it,” says Ann.

“Let me give you a hat. It’s nice. Do you like it?” says Kate.

“I make a big cake at home. I think you like it very much. OK?” Lily says.

“Thank you. Thank you all very much. Now let’s sing and eat the cakes with me.” Sue jumps with joy(高兴).

71. — Whose birthday is it?


A. Lily’s B. Sue’s C. Kate’s D. Ann’s

72. —Who forgets the birthday?


A. Kate B. Lily C. Ann D. Sue

73. —What do the friends say?

A. Sit down, please B. Happy birthday to you

C. Thank you all very much D. I’m sorry it’s too small

74. How many people are there in this story (故事)?_____________

A. Two B. Six C. Four D. Three

75. Lily doesn’t like_____________.

A. the small cake B. the birthday

C. making cakes D. Sunday

B. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。

Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office. One day Mr Jones says to Mr Brown, “We’re going to have a small party at our house on Monday evening. Would you and your wife like to come?”

Mr Brown says, “Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. We’re free (有空) that evening, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr Brown goes to the other room and makes a telephone call (打电话) to his wife. Then he comes back and looks worried.

“What’s the matter?” says Mr Jones. “Is your wife at home? No,” answers Mr Brown, “she isn’t there. My small son answers the telephone. I say to him, ‘Is your mother there, David?’ and he answers, ‘No, she isn’t in the house.’ ‘Where is she?’ I ask. ‘She is somewhere outside (在外面)’. ‘What’s she doing?’ ‘She is looking for me.’”[

76. There is a party on Monday evening.

77. Mr Brown wants Mr Jones to the party.

78. The telephone is near the office.

79. Mr Brown speaks to Mrs Brown on the phone.

80. Mrs Brown is looking for David.

X. 完成下列句子,每空一词。

81. 你们从哪里来 ?

Where____________ you_________ _________?

82. 警察局在邮局和超市之间。

The police station is___________ the post office__________ the supermarket.

83. 你想要点什么?

What___________ you_____________?

84. 我喜欢熊猫因为它们对我们很友好。

I like pandas___________ they are__________ to us.

85. 乡村音乐的唱片在哪里?

__________ are the______________ CDs?



6. fun 7. yours 8. boxes 9. thieves

10. sat 11. beautiful 12. late 13. wear

14. did 15. you’re

16—20 ACCAB 21—25 BABBD

26. at 27. to 28. with 29. about

30. near 31. on 32. in 33. of

34. in, at 35. on 36. to be 37. enjoying

38. Does, get 39. went 40. have 41. visiting

42. does, do 43. to have 44. are playing 45. cleaned, studied

46—50 BGCFD

51. C——a lot of 52. B——any

53. C——homework 54. B——take

55. C——for 56. B——us

57. C——him 58. C——to come

59. B——do your homework 60. B——get on

61—65 BACDB 66—70 BCBDD

71—75 BDBCA 76—80 TFTFT

81. do, come from 82. between, and

83. would, like 84. because, friendly 85. Where, country



以上就是外研版六年级英语下册Module 4 Unit 1习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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