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六年级英语下册Unit 3 Club Activities同步习题



【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了六年级英语下册Unit 3 Club Activities同步习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

六年级英语下册Unit 3 Club Activities同步习题

一. 完形填空:

Dear mother,

I’m fine here 1 China. I have classes with Chinese 2 . Now I have 3 Chinese friends. They teach me Chinese , and I teach them English. I can 4 a little Chinese now. After class we sing and 5 games.

My school is 6 very big,but it is very nice. It is 7 a river. Sometimes we go to 8 in the river. We go to school five days 9 . On Sundays I go swimming

10 my Chinese friends. I have a good time here. Don’t worry about me, Mother.

Love from Kate

1. A. for B. at C. of D. in

2. A. workers B. farmers C. drivers D. students

3. A. many B. much C. a lot D. very much

4. A. listen B. speak C. say D. talk

5. A. make B. carry C. play D. do

6. A. no B. not C. don’t D. doesn’t

7. A. down B. in C. near D. over

8. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. are swimming

9. A. for a week B. in a week C. at a week D. a week

10. A. and B. take C. with D. or

二. 阅读理解:

Lin Tao is a student. He’s from Beijing. He studies in No. 1 Middle School. His father is a soldier. His mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese. His uncle is with them in Harbin. He’s a worker on a farm. He likes making things. He often makes things for the farmers. He wants to help them. It’s Sunday today. His uncle is making a machine like a bike.

Lin Tao gets up at six and comes to school before eight. He goes to school six days a week. He likes school very much. He has a lot of friends at school. All his friends like him.


1. What does his father do ?

2. What does his uncle like doing ?

3. Is his uncle mending things ?

4. What time does Lin Tao get up ?

5. How many days does he go to school in a week ?


一. 完形填空

1—5 DDABC 6—10 BCADC

二. 阅读理解

1. He is a soldier.

2. He likes making things.

3. No, he isn’t. He is making a machine like a bike.

4. He gets up at 6∶00.

5. He goes to school 6 days a week.

以上就是六年级英语下册Unit 3 Club Activities同步习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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