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人教六年级英语下册Unit4 My holiday练习题




1. What did you do last Monday?

2.Did you take pictures last Tuesday?

3.What did you do last Thursday?

4. Did you eat good food last Friday?

5. When did you go to a park?

十一、Read and translate. 争当小小翻译家。(5分)

1. We left Beijing on February 1st.

2. What did you do on your holiday?

3. We relaxed and prepared to go back to work.

4. Tomorrow I’ll be back home!

5. How did you go to school?

Unit 4: My holiday A卷


一、1. where 2. bought 3. that 4. story 5. prepare

6. left 7. was 8. watch 9. date 10. skiing

二、1、Amy :Where did you go on your holiday, Mike?

Mike: I went to Guangzhou.

Amy :What did you do there?

Mike: I ate good food.

Amy :Did you go there by plane?

Mike: Yes, I did.

2. Chen: Amy, did you visit your grandparents on your holiday?

Amy: No, I went to Shanghai with my parents.

Chen: What did you do there?

Amy: I took many pictures.

Chen: Did you go there by plane?

Amy: No. We went there by train.

3. John: Did you have a good time on your holiday, Chen Jie?

Chen: Yes, I did.

John: Where did you go?

Chen: I went to Beijing. I climbed a mountain.

John: Did you go there by bus?

Chen: Yes, I did.

三、1.How did you go there?

2. Where did you go on your holiday?

3. How do you go to school every day?

4. Did you have a good time?

5. What did you do there?

四、On my holiday, I went to Yunnan by train. I climbed a mountain and took many pictures. I bought many presents for my parents. I was so happy.


Unit 4: My holiday A卷

一、1. A 2. B 3. A 4..C 5. C

6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A


三、1.b 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. c

四、On my holiday, I went to Yunnan by train.

I climbed a mountain and took many pictures.

I bought many presents for my parents. I was so happy.

六、1. “readed”改为“read” 2. “saw” 改为“see”

3. “At” 改为“On” 4. “have” 改为“had”

5. “sking”改为“skiing”

七、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5.B

6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C

九、1.e 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c

十、1. I learned English. 2. No, I didn’t. 3. I took pictures.

4. Yes, I did. 5. I went to a park last Tuesday.

以上就是人教六年级英语下册Unit4 My holiday练习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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