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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学英语六年级上册第五单元练习题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


班级     姓名     得分

1.Listen and write:

1) Which season do you like best? I like _________ best.

2) In _______, it‘s very __________.

3) It’s ________in __________.

4) I don‘t like __________, because it’s too_________.

5) I like spring, it‘s ________.

6) What’s the ____________like in autumn? It‘s ________.

2.Look and judge:

Brown, know ( ) cow, yellow ( ) how, row ( ) now, window ( )

3.Listen and write:

It is _______ in spring. The trees turn _______. Ma Li often goes _______ in the park. It is very ______ in summer. It often ________. Ma Li often goes _______. The days get ________ and the nights get ________ in autumn. It is often sunny. Ma Li often goes _______ in the countryside. It is not _______ in winter. It is sometimes _________. Ma Li often goes jogging after school.

4.Complete the sentences with the correct words:

In New York, there’s a lot of rain in _____. The weather in summer is as ________ as in Nanjing. Autumn is the best ________ in New York. It‘s ________ and ________. In winter it’s _________than in Nanjing. Dad, you need to buy some ________clothes.

5.Read and answer:

Nanjing is an old city. There are many beautiful places in Nanjing. The weather in Nanjing is nice, too. Spring in Nanjing is very short. It‘s warm and sunny. Sometimes it rains. People like to go to the park on sunny days. Summer usually comes in June. It’s very hot in summer in Nanjing. People do not like going out in the sun. They often go out in the evening. They like to go swimming in summer. Autumn is the best season in Nanjing. It‘s cool and sunny. Many people like to visit Nanjing in autumn. In winter it’s cold in Nanjing. Sometimes it snows. Children like to make snowmen and have snowball fights.

Children have great fun in winter. Nanjing is a good place to live in and a good place to visit. Do you like it?

1. How is the weather in Nanjing?

2. Is spring the best season in Nanjing?

3. When does summer come in Nanjing?

4. Does it often rain in autumn in Nanjing?

5. What do children like to do when it snows?



1) spring

2) summer, hot

3) cool, autumn

4) winter, cold

5) warm

6) weather, cool




warm, green, rowing, hot, rains, swimming, shorter, longer, walking, cold, windy.


spring, hot, season, cool, sunny, colder, warmer.


1) It‘s nice.

2) No, it isn’t.

3) It comes in June.

4) No, it doesn‘t.

They like to make snowmen and have snowball fights.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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