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二、听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的打”√ “,不相符的打”ד。(10分)

1 . The girl went skiing .

2 . You can ride a bike here .

3 . Chen Jie has music class at 1:00 o‘clock .

4 . The mouse is behind the hat .

5 . Mary has a headache .

6 . What are you doing ? I am painting .

7 . Did John play computer games ? No , he didn’t . He did sports .

8 . What was the weather like ?  It was sunny .

9 . My father is older and shorter than my mother .

10 . You will feel better soon .


1 . A : Where did you go last Sunday , Peter ?

B : I went to visit my parents , they work in Guangzhou .

2 . What is your father like ?

3 . When did you go to the park ?

4 . I‘m 40kg .Ben is 2kg heavier than me and 3kg heavier than Mike .How heavy is Mike ?

5 . Lily was sick last Monday .She had to stay in bed .


1 . Amy is taller and heavier than Sarah .

2 . Mike can’t speak . His throat is sore .

3 . Zhang Peng usually flies kites on weekends , but last weekend he studied English at home .

4 . Did you sweep the floor yesterday ?

5 . My dog is excited , but I am angry .

五、根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的打”√“,错的”ד (10分)

Dear Joe ,

How are you ? My sister and I are having our holiday . Yesterday we went to the library . We got there by bus . We read story-books and have lunch there . The food was delicious . It was cheap , too . We went shopping in the afternoon .I bought a pair of slippers . I was very tired . We are planning to learn skating and do many other things during the holiday . We are sure we‘ll have a good time .

How about your holiday ? Please write to me soon .




威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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