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( )1、I want to buy gifts ________ my family.

A、with B、to C、for

( )2、“I need eleven gifts for every person in my family”________ Li Ming.

A、answered B、answer C、answers

( )3、“______________________?”asks Jenny.

“Seven dollar, that’s very cheap!”says Mike.

A、How much are they? B、How long are they? C、How many are they

( )4、John wanted ____________ basketball with a ping-pong ball!

A、to plays B、to playing C、to play

( )5、What did you do on your holiday?

A、I see elephants. B、I rowed a boat. C、I sang and dance

( )6、Amy and Chen Jie ________ in the river.

A、went swimming B、went to America C、go to Dalian

( )7、Did they row a boat on that day?

A、Yes, they didn’t. B、No, they did. C、Yes, they did.

( )8、I went to the park ______ my parents last weekend.

A、in B、and C、with

( )9、Did Sarah ______________ yesterday?

A、go to the bookstore.

B、went to the park.

C、go to the cinema.

( )10、“___________________?”asks Lily.

“It’s ten hours to Beijing!”says Zhang Feng.

A、How many times?

B、How much does it?

C、How long is the trip?


Q: ____________________________________________?

A: Yes, she bought a birthday card for her mother.


A: I am getting ready to go home next week.


A: I need eleven gifts for every person in my family.


A: Yes, I asked Santa for a camera, and I got one![


A: At 4:00. Don’t be late, and don’t come after 4:00.


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