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六 选择题

(   )1. May 21st reads___________________________________.

A. May twenty-on e B. the May twenty-first C. May the twenty-first

(   )2. “ Keep quiet” means we ________make noise here.

A. can   B. shouldn‘t   C. must  D. should

(   )3. Jim and Ben are ________ about Ben’s birthday.

A. talk   B. saying   C. speaking  D. talking

(   )4. The camera isn‘t in my pocket. It________ there a moment ago.

A. be   B. was  C. is  D. were

(   )5. How old are you, Tom? ___________________

A. Fine, thank you.  B. I’m nine.  C. It‘s nine.

(   )6. What would you like?_______________________

A. I like drinking.   B. I don’t like tea.   C. Some juice.

(   )7. When‘s your birthday, Liu Tao?____________________[

A. Of January   B. On January   C. In January

(   )8. Where are my shoes?________________________

A. It’s on the desk.  B. It‘s under the desk.   C. They’re under the desk.

(   )9 John is twenty years old, but he has only five birthdays. Why?

Because he was born(出生)_________.

A. at night  B. five years ago  C. on the last night of a year  D. on February 29

(   )10. Would you like a puppet as a birthday present?_______________

A. Rabbit, please.   B. I like a puppet.   C. Yes, please.

七 阅读理解

A 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old. It cannot run fast and it cannot catch mice. When the old cat sees a mouse, it tries to catch it, but the mouse can always run away. The woman is very angry about it. Then she has a good idea. She buys a new cat to catch mice. Now the old one can rest.

(   )1. The old cat cannot _______ now.

A. jump on the mice   B. catch dogs  C. walk or run  D. run fast or catch mice

(   )2. When the cat tries to catch a mouse, _________.

A.   it eats the mouse B. it jumps on the mouse C. if follows the mouse D. the mouse runs away

(   )3. The old woman is ________ when she sees a mouse run away.

A. very good   B. very kind  C. very angry  D. very happy

(   )4. The old woman _________.

A. likes the cat  B. doesn‘t want the cat  C. buys a new cat  D. teaches the cat

(   )5. The old woman doesn’t like_______ in her house.

A. cats   B. mice  C. dogs   D. young people

B 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。

It is Sunday morning, Xiao Ming and her mother are in the hospital. Xiao Ming‘s got a fever. They are going to see a doctor. There are a lot of public signson the wall of the hospital. Xiao Ming and her mother know a lot about them. The sign on the first floor means “Keep quiet” The one on the second floor means we shouldn’t smoke. The third one means “No littering”. Just then Xiao Ming sees a man littering. She goes up to him and says: “You shouldn‘t litter. You should throw it into the dustbin(垃圾箱).”

(  )1 Xiao Ming’s got an earache and wants to see a doctor.

(  )2 Xiao Ming and her mother don‘t know the signs.

(  )3 The sign on the first floor means people shouldn’t make noise.

(  )4 people shouldn‘t smoke in the hospital.

(  )5 People can litter in the hospital



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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