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(   )1. He‘s good     English.[

A. inB. atC. on

(   )2. They are talking    the park.

A. overB. atC. about

(   )3. He doesn’t like having Art lessons, so he doesn‘t do well    Art.

A. inB. atC. about

(   )4. Lin Lin is not as    as Xiao Ming.

A. strongB. strongerC. strongest

(   )5. Li Yang jumped    than Fang Bin.

A. farB. farerC. farther

(   )6. I have problems    English.

A. toB. withC. about

(   )7. Ben runs as    as Jim.

A. fastB. fasterC. high

(   )8. Let’s go    a walk.

A. toB. onC. for

(   )9. Who    better, Nancy or Helen?

A. singB. singingC. sings

(   )10. She reads better than all of    .

A. usB. weC. they


(   )1、我对社会,自然不感兴趣。

A. I is good at Social science and Science.

B. I am good at Social science and Science.

C. I am not at Social science and Science.

(   )2、我要做得比他们更好。

A. I‘ll do better than he.

B. I want do better than them.

C. I’ll do better than them.

(   )3、他不知道怎样做一个飞机模型。

A. He didn‘t know how to make a model plane.

B. he know not how to make a model plane.

C. He not know how to make a model plane.

(   )4、他不像其他的男孩子一样强壮。

A. He is as strong as the other boys.

B. He isn’t as strong as the other boys.

C. He isn‘t as stronger as the other boys.

(   )5、他每天都比我高兴。

A. He is happyer than me every day.

B. He is happier than me every day.

C. He is as happy as me every day.

(   )6、现在她正跑得比一些女生快。

A. She is running faster than some girls now

B. She is running fast than some girls now.

C. She run faster than some girls now.


1.The duck swims slower than the fish.

2.The monkey climbs slower than the bear.

3.The cat runs faster than the mouse.

4.The butterflies fly lower than the bees.

5.The old woman walks faster than the young man.


1. what subject is Jim good at? He is good at     and    .

2. Does Jim do well in PE?   No,         .

3. Is Jim as strong as the other children?  No,        .

4. Who is a good football player, Jim or Mike?     is.

5. Who jumps higher than some of the boys in Jim’s class?

Jumps higher than some of the boys in his class.

6. Does Jim swim faster than his friends?     ,he doesn‘t.

7. Can Jim jog to school or walk to school? He can     to school.


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