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十、 看图作文。(10分)


六年级单元练习题Unit 2听力材料及参考答案

一、1、head (B) 2、house (A) 3、soap (A) 4、bored (A) 5、have a sore throat (B) 6、cold (B) 7、How do you feel? (B) 8、sad (A) 9、My arm hurts (C) 10、She’s angry. (C)

二、1、What‘s the matter, Chen Jie? I have a toothache. (×) 2、How does Tom feel? He’s angry. (√) 3、Liu Yun is happy because she‘s going to take a big trip. (√) 4、My sister is happy. She failed the English text. (×) 5、How do you feel? I have a headache. (√) 6、Tom is sick. Tom can’t eat food today. (√) 7、Usually my uncle goes to work by bike or on foot. But today he goes by subway. (×) 8、Are you tired ,straw man? Yes, I am. (√) 9、I‘m 12 years old. My brother is 2 years younger than me. (√) 10、I have a headache, my throat is sore. What’s the matter with me? (√)

三、1、Are you sick? (B) 2、What‘s the matter with Mike?(B) 3、How do you fee? (A) 4、What’s the matter, Amy? (C) 5、What is she going to do? (C)

四、1、sore throat 2、test sad 3、tired sports 4、matter hurts

5、feel excited

五、Today is Friday. The weather is fine. Everyone is happy because they are going to take a trip. But Tom is sad because his leg hurts. He can‘t go with his classmate. He has to stay at home. He is going to read some magazine.

六、1、③ How are you? 2、② What’s the matter? 3、④ Does your right hand hurt? 4、⑤ Can you write? 5、⑥ What should I do?

七、1、A  2、B  3、B  4、A  5、B

八、1、Saturday 2、doesn‘t 3、has 4、hand 5、hurt 6、hospital 7、sick 8、throat 9、well 10、happy

九、1、How do you feel 2、How tall are you? 3、How does (Amy/she) feel? 4、Is he angry? 5、What’s the matter?




威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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