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Ⅶ.Choose the correct answers.(10 points)

( )1.This horse is strong.It's _____ .

A.healthy B. weak C.sick

( )2. Why?

_______ it's good for you.

A. Because B. So C. But.

( )3.--______ do you eat porridge?

-- Twice a week.

A. How many B. How often C. How much

( )4.I never eat noodles _______ supper.

A. to B. for C. at

( )5. ____ much water is good for your health.

A. Drink B. To drink C. Drinking

( )6. 你怎么表达“一天两次”?

A.Twice a day B.Two a day C. Two times a day

( )7.当你想让你的同桌听老师的话,你应说:____

A. Listen to your mother carefully. B. Listen to our teacher carefully. C. Listen careful.

( )8.当你想对别人说“祝你身体健康”时,应说:_______

A.Happy birthday to you. B. Good health to you

C.Happy New Year to you.

( )9.当老师问你“多长时间进行一次多练时”应说:______

A.How long do you exercise?B.How often do you exercise?

C.How often are you exercise?

( )10.当老师或家长说“早饭前要洗脸,饭后要刷牙”你应说:_____

A.Wash your face before breakfast and brush your teeth after it.

B.Wash your face before breakfast and comb you hair after it .

C.Wash her face before breakfast and brush her teeth after it.

Ⅷ.Translation.( 10 points)

1.be good for__________ 2.work hard ________________

3.锻炼______________ 4.上周______________________

5.put on her clothes _______________________________

Ⅸ.Write the words in correct order.(10 points)

1. I, always, clothes,my,clean

______________________________________________. 2.favourite,your,What,food,is _____________________________________________?

3. I, to, vegetables, more,eat, need

________________________________________________ .

4. you, This,good, for, is

________________________________________________ .

5.do, homework, Always, your

________________________________________________ .


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