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七、找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。  (12分)

(  ) 1. Lucy and Lily have same hobby.          _______

A   B  C

(  ) 2. There are five people in you family.    _______

A      B   C

(  ) 3. They usually write their homework at home. _______

A  B      C

(  ) 4. My mother like going shopping.          _______

A  B   C

(  ) 5. May I speaking to Miss Lin?       _______

A   B   C

(  ) 6. Welcome back for school.        _______

A   B C

八、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写 “√”,错的写“ × “。 (6分)

Cat : Good morning , Mr Tiger.

Tiger : Good morning , Mr Cat .What date is it today ?Is it the 3rd of July ?

Cat : Yes.

Tiger : Oh , today is my birthday.

Cat : Happy birthday !What would you like as a birthday present?

How about a big cake with some candles on it ?

Tiger : No, thank you .I’d like one hundred rabbits .

Cat : One hundred rabbits? I‘m sorry , Mr Tiger. I haven’t got any rabbits for you .

(  )1. It is the 1st of July today .

(  )2. Mr Tiger‘s birthday is on the 3rd of July .

(  )3. Mr Tiger would like a big cake as a birthday present.

(  )4. Mr Tiger would like a lot of rabbits as a birthday present.

(  )5. Mr Cat can get two rabbits.

(  )6. Mr Tiger is not happy.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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