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knife(复) usually(近) fifty (序)

twelfth(基) parents (名词所有格)

Ben and Jim (名词所有格) party (复)

good (副) quickly (形) jog(现在分词)

young(反) take off (反) in(反)


1. watch, we, can, when, Aladdin (?) (连词成句)

2.party, you, to, would, to, like, birthday,come, my (?) (连词成句)

3. I was born (生于)on the first of May。

4. I would like a toy plane. (一般,两种 回答)

5. I would like to watch TV. (一般,两种回答)

6. Nancy’s birthday’s on the fifth of October.

7. My mother is making cakes now.

8. She always catches butterflies in the morning

九. 选择

( ) 1. That boy is a new student in this school.

A. Japan B. Australia C. French

( ) 2. What do you want your birthday?A. as B. for C. to

( ) 3. Ben is talking his family his birthday party.

A. to, on B. to, with C. with, about

( )4. It’s cold outside. Don’t your coat. A. put on B. take off C. put down

( )5. Let’s draw a picture. Please take out

A. a paper B. a piece of paper C. papers

( ) 6. Would you like bread? A. some B. any C. many

( )7. I like eat a cake strawberries. A. with B. to C. in

( )8. Happy New Year To You.

A. Thanks B. The same to you C. That’s OK

( ) 9. Happy Birthday To You.

A. Thanks a lot B. The same to you C. That’s OK.


Kate: Hi, May. Tomorrow is my birthday.

May: Is it? is it today?

Kate: Today is the second of June. My birthday is on the of June.

May: Will you hane a birthday ?

Kate: Yes. you like to come to my party tomorrow?

May: .What would you like as a birthday ? some stamps?

Kate: Yes, please. My party at five o’clock. Tomorrow afternoon. See you then.

May: See you.

十一。 完形填空

Bob is an 1 boy. He is 2 years old. Now he is in China 3 his grandma. He 4 in a middle school. There are twelve boys and twenty girls in his 5 . Bob has a good 6 . His name is Jack. Jack can speak Chinese very 7 . But Bob 8 . So Jack often 9 him. They like 10 . They often go to the school library together.

( ) 1. A. Chinese B. American C. Japanese

( ) 2. A. eight B. Thirteen C. twenty

( ) 3. A. with B. and C. live

( )4. A. lives B. studies C. goes

( ) 5. A. school B. class C. home

( ) 6. A. family B. school C. friend

( ) 7. A. well B. good C. bad

( ) 8. A. can B. can’t C. don’t

( ) 9. A. helps B. likes C. stays

( ) 10. A. football B. reading C. talking


It’s five o’clock. Mike and Jane get to Jim’s home. There they can see Jim’s parents Mr and Mrs Green., his sister Kate and his cousin Tom and Ann. All things are ready. There is a big cake on the table. Around the cake, there’s some delicious food and many glasses of orange juice. The sandwiches are on the plates. On the desk there are mang birthday presents. The new computer is the present from Jim’s father. The football shoes are from his mother. A model pane and a toy panda are the presents from Mike and Jane. Jim likes them very much. Now everyone is here. The Party starts. The sing “Happy Birthday” song all together. Then they hane the cake. They sing and dance. They have a good time that night.

1. How many people are there at the party?

2. Which present is for Jim from his father?

3. Is the toy panda from Mike?

4. Who are Tom and Ann?

5. Do they have a good time at the party?



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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