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1.It‘s (cold/hot) today. You can wear your shorts.

2. (Wait/Stop) at a red light.

3.How ( tall/taller) is he?

4.My eyes are (bigger/biger) than yours.

5.How (heavy/height) are you? I’m 38 kg.


1.你想知道别人有多高,你应该怎么说? ( )

A. How tall are you? B.How long are you? C. How high are you?

2.你想知知道别人有多重,你应该怎么说? ( )

A.How high are you? B.How old are you? C.How heavy are you?

3.你想知道别人多大了,你应该怎么说? ( )

A.How old are you? B.How long are you? C. How tall are you?

4.你想知道这个东西的价格,你应该怎么问? ( )

A. How many are there in your family?

B. How much is it? C. How are you?

5.----Where are you going? ---- . ( )

A.By bus B.The museum C.At the 4 o‘clock

6.----How tall are you?----I’m . ( )

A.149 cm tall B.fine,too C.13years old

7.Can I speak to Miss Li ,please?----- . ( )

A. Can‘t B.Hold on, please. C.She is listening to music.

8.The monkey’s tail is 36 . . ( )

A.long B.small C.old

9.He is 12 years . ( )

A.tall B.old C.long

10.The yellow dog is than the black dog. ( )

A.thiner B.thin C.thinner


1. How long is Changjiang River? A. Thirty yuan.

2. How tall are you? B.I‘m 158cm tall.

3. How high is that mountain? C.Over 1000 kilometers high.

4. How old are you? D. It’s about 6300 kilometers long.

5. How much is your T-shirt? E. I‘m 12.


1. you tall how are ( ? )

2. 155 cm is tall Amy ( . )

3. than is taller he his brother ( . )

4. than older am you I ( . )

5. tail is its longer( . )


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