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(  )4. He ____ to school from Monday to Friday.

A. go        B. goes        C. going

(  )5. _____ am your English teacher. Please listen to   ___.

A. I, mine      B. I, me        C. you, my

(  )6. Kate   __ blue eyes. Her hair    brown.

A. has, is      B. has, are       C. have, is

(  )7. The boy draws     .

A. careful      B. carefully      C. be careful

(  )8. Put your hands    your head and turn    left and right.

A. on, /        B. on, to        C. with, /

(  )9. This is Ben. He is from     . He speaks     .

A. the USA, American B. American, English  C. the USA, English

(  )10. Give me   orange, please. I want   big orange.

A. an, an       B. a, an        C. an, a

六、 找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。 (10分)[

(  ) 1. What is that mean ?        _______

A B   C

(  ) 2. My sister are standing beside me .   _______

A  B     C

(  ) 3. There is two matches in our school.  _______

A   B  C

(  ) 4. Please give the ball for your brother.  _______

A     B C

(  ) 5. He teaches we English.       _______

A  B  C

七、 完成对话。 (10分)

A: What’s that _____ the wall ?

B: It‘s a _____ _____.

A: What ______ it ______?

B: It means ’Danger‘.

A: Can I go in ?

B: No,____ ____ .

You should _____ ______ _____ the building.

八、完型填空。 (10分)

My name is Li Lei . I am a student . I 1 in NO. 1 Primary School. 2 six grades(年级) in our school . I’m in 3 .

I go to school  4 in the morning .There are four 5 in the morning and two in the afternoon . We study Chinese , Maths, English , and 6  lessons. There are  7 teachers  8  school .  9  good teachers. They work hard  10  us.

(  ) 1. A. work        B. listen         C. study

(  ) 2. A. I have       B. They have       C. There are

(  ) 3. A. class three, grade six B. Grade Six , Class Three

C. Class Three , Grade Six

(  ) 4. A. in six thirty     B. at thirty six       C. at six thirty

(  ) 5. A. teachers      B. lessons         C. books

(  ) 6. A. other       B. the other        C. others

(  ) 7. A. fifty five      B. five fifty        C. fifty --five

(  ) 8. A. at         B. in           C. in the

(  ) 9.A. Al l they are     B. They are all       C. They all are

(  ) 10. A. for        B. with         C. to



威廉希尔app 小学频道    六年级英语试题


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