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五、 Listen and judge.(听八个句子,看哪五句是符合实际的,在相应的括号内打“√”。共5分)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )

5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( )

六、 Read and choose.(根据上下文选择合适的句子把对话补充完整。共10分)

A:Excuse me, ___________________________

B: You can go by the No. 15 bus.

A: ___________________________

B: It’s near the post office.

A: ___________________________?

B: Sure. First,turn right at the Xinhua Books

Store.You can see it.

A: Thank you.

B: ______________________

七、 Read and choose or judge.(阅读短文,按要求选择或判断对错。共15分)

Passage 1

Hello! I’m ChenJie. My home is in Dongguan. It’s a beautiful city.There are many tall buildings in it. And there are so many parks in it too. My home is near the People’s Park. Every weekend, my parents go there on foot. They do morning exercises. Sometimes I go with them. My school is far from my home. So I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I go by car. Because my father has a car.[

( ) 1. ChenJie is a Chinese girl.

( ) 2. ChenJie’s home is in the country.

( ) 3. Usually I go to school by car.

( ) 4. My parents read books every weekend.

( ) 5. There are many buildings in Dongguan.

Passage 2

We usually go to the Nature Park on Sunday. We can go there by bus. Because it’s very far, we can go by car, too. We know the traffic rules. We must stop at a red light. At the green light, we can cross the street. We must drive on the right side of the road.

( ) 1. We go to the Nature Park________. A. by car B. by train

( ) 2. We must stop at a ________light. A. yellow B. red

( ) 3. Do the drivers drive on the left side of the road in China?

A. Yes B. No

( ) 4. How many traffic lights are there? A. Two B. Three

( ) 5. When you see the green light, you must ________.

A. wait B. go


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