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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道为同学们搜集整理了-2012小学六年级英语毕业考试试卷(十),供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!





   1.A. areB. amC. arm

   2.A. headB. handC. have

   3.A. pigB. bigC. bag

   4.A. bagB. bikeC. bed

   5.A. fatherB. farmerC. far

   6.A. hereB. thereC. where

   7.A. [kAt]B. [kQp]C. [kAp]

   8.A. [WANk]B. [WiNk]C. [Win]

   9.A. threeB. thirtyC. thirteen

   10.A. cheerB. chairC. sure


  1.A. familyB. friendsC. picnicD. birthday

  2.A. plantsB. animalsC. sportsD. grade

  3.A. friendsB. familyC. classD. name

  4.A. vegetablesB. fruitsC. meat D. drink

  5.A. weatherB. nameC. clothes D. homework


  It‘s Sunday. I go to hospital. I have a ① 。 So I go to see the ② 。 On the way home, I see a little dog. He’s so small. He‘s even ③ than a cat 。 He looks very ④ 。 I think he can’t find his home. So I take him home. I like him very much. I play with him 。 I‘m so ⑤ 。 四、听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,对的写“T”错的写“F”。4%

  1.Alice is from American.

  2.Her father is a teacher 。

  3.Her mother goes to work by car 。

  4.Alice has a twin sister 。


   You can take the No. 19 bus .Get off at the bookstore. Then you can see it

   Thank you for your help.

   Where is the bus stop ,please 。

   Go straight on and turn left 。 It’s in front of the bank 。

   Excuse me. Where is the Holiday Hotel, please?

  六、听音,写出你所听到的句子,注意大小写及标点。(每空一词) 6%

  笔试部分 60%


  1. schoolteacher( )2. goodlook

  3. yellow loud( )4. rulercute

  5. knownow( )6. thatthanks( )

  7. thispicture 8. motherwho( )

  9.shorts odds( )10.shirtmirror( )

  二、选出不同类的单词。(请将编号写在括号内) 5%

  1. A. newspaper B. cinema C. magazineD. dictionary

  2. A. yellowB. greenC. colourD. blue

  3. A. EnglandB. ChineseC. ChinaD.US

  4. A. hisB. heC. sheD. it

  5. A. east B. rightC. northD.south

  三、选择填空。(请将编号写在括号内) 10%

   1. Where is Jake‘s home ?

  A. I can go there on foot.B. Take the No.1 bus. C. Next to our school 。

   2. Is the cinema east of the bookstore?

  A. Go straight .B. Over there.C. Yes ,it is 。

   3. What’s the bookstore ?

  A. We can play in it .B. We can borrow books .C. We can buy books 。

   4. What‘s your pen pal’s hobby ?

  A. he‘s swimming.B. He likes swimming. C. Yes, he does.

   5. What are you going to do ?

  A. on the weekend B. every weekend C. last weekend

   6. What does your father do ?

  A. He’s an accountant .B. He‘s at school .C. He likes football

   7. The monkey’s tail is than the rabbit‘s 。

  A. longB. shorterC. longer

   8. Tom lost his pen 。 He’s sad 。 We can say he feels 。

  A. blackB. red C. blue

   9.Where does he live ?

  A. He lives in Ningbo.B. He live in NingboC. He Loves Ningbo.

   10. What colour is blue plus yellow ?

  A. redB. purpleC. green


  1. from , rain , come , the , does ,where ( ? )

  2. you , are ,going ,this , afternoon, what , to ,do (?)

  3. on , foot , usually ,to ,go , I ,school (。)

  4. sore ,have , and , headache, I ,a , throat , a (。)

  5. your , taller , is , brother, you ,than , heavier ,and (。)

  五、选择适当的单词,将它的适当形式填入空格。(每空一词,注意大小写) 5%

  who‘s, friend, girl, at, its, name, she, collect , strong ,hobby

  A: Yang Yang! Look ____ that picture. _________ that boy?

  B: He’s my new ________.

  A: What‘s his _________?

  B: His name is Joe.

  A: What’s his ?

  B: He likes ________ stamps.

  A: Is the ______ his sister?

  B: Yes, ______ is. And that‘s their dog.

  A: What’s its name?

  B: _______ name is Carl.

  A: Oh, it‘s than mine.

  六、 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。8%

  It’s Sunday 。 All the students of Class 1 are going on a trip 。 They are excited.

  Miss White : look ! The elephants!

  John : Wow ! Look at the big one 。 It‘s much bigger than others.

  Wu Yifan : Yes , I think it’s older ,too 。

  Amy : Look at the monkeys .They are funnier 。 But the little monkey is sad .Why ?

  Sarah : Look at its tail 。 Its tail hurts 。 Its tail is shorter than the other monkey‘s 。

   1. The student are at the zoo on Saturday 。

   2. The bigger elephant is younger than others.

   3. The monkeys are funny 。

   4. The little monkey is healthy.

   5. The children like animals 。

  七、小作文 : 请以“ and I ”为题目,写一篇小短文,说说你和他或她有什么相同和不同,还可以写写你们的爱好。字数不少于30个词。12%



  1. are 2.head 3.big 4.bike

  5.father 6.here7. [kQp]8. [WiNk]

  9.thirteen 10.sure


  1. Who’s that boy ? He‘s Zhang Peng 。 My new friend 。

  2.Which monkey do you like ? I like the brown one 。 It’s younger 。

  3.How many people are there in your family ? Three.

  4.-Have one more apple ,please 。 - No ,thanks 。 I‘m full 。

  5.It’s warm today 。 You can take off your sweater 。


  It‘s Sunday. I go to hospital. I have a ① headache 。 So I go to see the

  ② doctor 。 On the way home, I see a little dog. He’s so small. He‘s even ③ smaller than a cat 。 He looks very ④ sad 。 I think he can’t find his home. So I take him home. I like him very much. I play with him 。 I‘m so ⑤happy 。


  Alice is my new pen pal 。 She lives in Australia 。 There are 3 people in her

  family : her parents and her. Her father works in a hospital 。 He goes to work by car.

  Her mother has a twin sister 。 That is her aunt Mary 。


  1.Excuse me. Where is the Holiday Hotel, please?

  2.You can take the No. 19 bus .Get off at the bookstore. Then you can see it 。

  3.Where is the bus stop , please 。

  4.Go straight on and turn left 。 It’s in front of the bank 。

  5.Thank you for your help.


  1. How are you , Liu Yun ?

  2.You look so angry.


威廉希尔app 小 学频道

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