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一. 语音、词汇。(39%)


kite (  )  fly (  ) sister (  ) mouth (  ) cow (   )

go (  )  eat (  ) violin (  ) mouse (  ) next (  )

(二) 根据所给的单词读音写出相应的单词,并译出其中文意思。(10%)

1,[windэu]  2.[kэm′pju:tэ] 3. [t aini:z] 4.[kwaiэt] 5.[θэ:zdei]

____________  _______________   _____________  ___________  ___________

(    )    (     )     (     )    (    )   (    )

6. [bildin] 7.[februэri]  8.[streit]   9.[iksperimэnt]10.[vizitid]

___________   _____________   _____________   _______________ _________

(    )    (     )    (    )    (     )   (   )


1.A monkey’s tail is l_ _ _ _ _ than a rabbit’s tail.

2. When I pass the E_ _ _ _ _ _ test. I’m v_ _ _ h_ _ _ _.

3. Look! Some b_ _ _ are s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ over there.

4. Did you v_ _ _ _ your old f_ _ _ _ _ _ yesterday m_ _ _ _ _ _?

5. This w_ _ _ _ _ _ I’m going to t_ _ _ a trip.

6. Hey! W_ _ _ ! The light is yellow.

7. It’s n_ _ _ pm. It’s t_ _ _ to go to bed.

8. She can h_ _ _ her mother w_ _ _ the clothes.

9. John l_ _ __ f_ _ _ _ _ kites on weekends.

10. I am not w_ _ _. I must go to the h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

(四) 写出下列句子中划线部分的中文意思。(4%)

1.Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6pm on Saturday.

2. I want to be a science teacher one day.

3. He writes the TV show for my aunt.

4. It is the end of the school year.

(五) 用下列中的单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺合理。 (10%)

clean angry big food see water eat but jump river strongr rabbit it

wolf( 狼) today

One day ,the ________ wants to _______ the ________. The rabbit says to him :“I’m not your ________. The other wolf will eat me ________. He is ________ and _________ than you. ”

Oh. Who is he ? Cries the wolf .” Come and show me where he lives”. Then the rabbit takes the wolf to a big _______ . The _______ in _______ is very _________ . The rabbit says:” He is down there .” The wolf comes to the side of the river and looks down ,he _________ his own ________ face in the water. He thinks that it is another wolf . H e ________ down into the river and wants to kill(杀) the other wolf. ________ the wolf can’t get out again.

二. 选择题。(17%)

(  )1. Maybe ___ Tom’s green ball. (A. is B. it C. its D. it’s )

(  ) 2. There is _____”m” and _____ “u” in the word “mug”.

(A. a,,,,a  B, an……an  C, an…..a  D. a…….an )

(  ) 3. _________ are in the same school.

( A. I and sister  B. My sister and I C. My sister and me )

(   ) 4. Stay in _______ for a few days . ( A. a bed B. x C. the D. bed )

(   ) 5. _________ are you ? I’m a doctor. (A. Who B. Where C. How D. What)

(   ) 6. I go home ______ bike. ( A. use B. with C. by D. in )

(   ) 7. My cap is _______ red,too. ( A. x B. a C. an D. the )

(   ) 8. Let’s play football. _____________.

( A. That’s all right. B. All right. C. That’s right.)

(   )9. 在______个英语国际音标中, 有___个辅音, 在辅音中有____清辅音。

( A. 26…..21….5 B. 48….28….11   C. 48….20……12)

(   )10. 选出一个重音音节和其他不同的词。( A. very  B. orange  C. excuse)

(   )11.Stop! The light is __________. ( A. yellow  B. red  C. green )

(   )12.你听到有人敲门时,想知道对方是谁?你该说 _____?

(A. Who are you ?  B. Who is it ?  C. Who’s he ? )

(   )13. What’s this ________ English? It’s _____ egg. It’s ______ big egg.

(A. in….an ….a  B.for…an….a  C. x…….a……an)

(   )14. _________ the picture. What can you ________ in it?

(A. Look….see  B. Look at…..see  C. See….look)

(   )15. We go to school _____ Mon ____ Sat every week.

(A. on…to  B at…..and  C. from…..to)

(   )16.Lin Tan can help you ________ the flowers.

(A. waters  B. watering  C. water  D. watered)

(   )17. What _______ your mother _____? She’s a nurse.

(A. do…does  B. does….does  C. does….do )

三. 句型。(36%)

(一) 判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打勾,如有错漏,写出正确的句子。(5%)

1.Does your brother like play football?_________________________________________________

2. What did you do next weekend?_____________________________________________________

3. John going to play the violin next week. ______________________________________________

4. We can running with our legs. ______________________________________________________

5. What is Tom going ? He’s going to the park.___________________________________________







6. 你想告诉爸爸,你比他矮6公分,你说:

7. 你邀May一起去图书馆,你对他说:

8. 你告诉同学,你上周去昆明参观,你说:


1. How heavy are you ?__________________________________

2. When is your birthday? __________________________________

3. What is your English teacher like? ___________________________________________

4. What’s the weather like in Shantou? ___________________________________________

5. What class are you in? ___________________________________________________

6. What do you do if you have the flu? ______________________________________________

(四) 连词成句。 (5%)

1.Sarah ,not, watch, did, TV, night, last(.) _____________________________________________

2. work , to, how, Amy’s,does, mother, go,(?) ___________________________________________

3. what, nice, ruler, a ,long(.) ______________________________________________________

4. Chen Jie, set, you, table, the ,can(?) ________________________________________________

5. with, its, that, is, drinking, trunk, water, elephant(.) _____________________________________


It was Saturday,Mary wanted to go to the park with her friend. But she got up late. She put on her clothes quickil and didn’t have breakfast. She rode her bike very quickly. At the crossing the red light was on. But she didn’t stop. A policeman stopped het. “ Please get off your bike . Don’t you see the red light?”

“ Yes, I do. But I didn’t see you .” said Mary.

阅读短文,判断正误,用√ 或x 表示。(4%)

1.On Sunday Mary went to the park. (   )

2 She went to the park on foot.    (   )

3. At the crossing the red light was on . (   )

4. Mary didn’t see the red light.    (   )

Tom went to visit his grandparents with his uncle by plane last holiday. His grandparents lived in a beautiful village in Hainan . He stayed there for two weeks. Every morning and evening Tom went to see the blue sea with his grandfather. Sometimes Tom swam in the sea with his cousins. Sometimes Tom’s grandfather went fishing in the sea on a small boat with him . His grandmother cooked good food for them every day, His uncle took some nice pictures for them. When he went back home,he bought some seafood for his parents.


1. Where did Tom go last holiday? _______________________________________

2. Did Tom go there with his uncle? ______________________________________

3. How did they go there?    _______________________________________

4. What did Tom do there?    ________________________________________



watch TV , at home, play computer games, climb mountains, go hiking, play sports, clean the room, read books, do homework




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