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一、根据你的实际情况回答问题。1、How old is your father? __________________________________.2、What’s your father’s job? ________________________________.3、Is your mother a policewoman? _______________________________.4、Are you in a white jacket? __________________________________.5、Which do you like, apples or bananas? _______________________.二、按字母表的顺序写出所有的小写字母并将元音字母圈出:三、下列个组字母读音如有相同的用√表示,没有用×表示1.HK( ) 2.IR( ) 3.MN( ) 4.TV( ) 5.FSY( ) 6. WQU( ) 7.EDC( ) 8.AEI( ) 四、在B栏中找出A 栏句子的对应句子A B1.Whats your name? A.I, ten.2.How old are you? B.A fish.3.How are you? C.My name is Betty.4.Whats this in English? D.Im fine..5.What colour is your face? E.Red.6.May I have a look? F.Good evening.7.Glad to meet you. G.Oh,yes.8.Good evening. H.Sure!9.Is this your toy bus? I.Over there.10.Wheres the zoo? J.Nice to meet you.五、按要求完成下列各题:  1.This is a book.(变为否定句)   _________________________________________  2.He is a good boy.(变为一般疑问句)   _________________________________________  3.She is in the room .(用where提问)   _________________________________________  4.I am a Chinese girl.(用she改写)  _________________________________________   5.the,pen,is,a,there,on,desk,.(连词成句)   _________________________________________六、词组翻译,将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内: ( )1. a cup of tea A. 一杯茶 B. 一杯酒 ( )2. a glass of milk A. 一杯水 B. 一杯奶 ( )3. a bottle of beer A. 一杯酒 B. 一瓶酒 ( )4. ice-cream A. 冰水 B. 冰淇淋七、为下面的单词选择合适的译文,请填序号。 1.( ) some flowers for you A.给你的花 B.给她的花 C.给他的花 2.( ) happy birthday A.节日快乐 B.生日快乐 C.新年快乐 3.( ) June the second A.六月三日 B.六月二日 C.六月一日 4.( ) National Day A.劳动节 B.圣诞节 C.国庆节 5.( ) Childrens Day A.妇女节 B.新年 C.儿童节 6.( ) go to the theatre A.去戏院 B.去电影院 C.去公园 7.( ) with my father A.和母亲一起 B.和父亲一起 C.和父母一起 8.( ) January the first A.新年 B.春节 C.母亲节 9.( ) August the fourth A.八月一日 B.八月七日 C.八月四日 10.( ) February the fifteenth A.二月三十日 B.二月十五日 C.二月十三日八、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子。   I’m a teacher . My name is WangPing . I’m from ShangHai . I usually get up at six and have breakfast at six thirty . I go to work at seven .   I like singing , dancing , swimming . I like singing best . (  )1. The teacher’s name is WangPing . (  )2. She’s from BeiJing . (  )3. She usually get up at six thirty . (  )4. She like dancing best . (  )5. She like singing .


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