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( )1.thank A. friend B. fine C. English D. nice

( )2. his A. desk B. boys C. books D. sorry

( )3. of A. family B. wife C. seven D. four

( )4. think A. these B. their C. thank D. brother

( )5. where A. we B. who C. whose D. over

二、用冠词a, an, the填空,不需要处划×:

1. ____old man in ____car is _____old teacher.

2. Can you see _____dog over there? It’s my dog.

3. I can see _____boy and ____woman in ____picture. _____boy is Jim and _____woman is Miss Gao.

4. There’s ____“x”and _____“u” in the word “excuse”.

5. Lucy can play _____piano, but she can’t play ____football.


1. Mr King is _________(Lucy and Lily) father. 2. Today is _______(children) Day.

3. Miss Li is those ______(girl)Chinese teacher. 4. Which of the two coats _____(be) yours?

5. How much money ______(be) there in your purse? There _____(be) twenty yuan.


( )1. Look at your new clothes. Please________.

A. put it on B.put on it C. put them on D. put on them

( )2. “Aren’t you American?” “_____. I’m English.”

A. No, I am. B. Yes, I’m not. C. No, I’m not. D. Yes, I am.



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