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一. 选出不同类的单词。

1、basketball party soccer ping-pong ( )

2、onion peas cabbage healthy ( )

3、one bones four ten ( )

4、red pen black blue ( )

5、foot head leg book ( )


( )1. What’s your favourite colour? A. By car。

( )2. What time is it? B. I like yellow best。

( )3. How do you go to school? C. It’s twelve o’clock。

( )4. What are you doing? D. It’s Saturday。

( )5. What day is it? E. I’m drawing a picture。

三. 选择正确的答案补全对话,并将相应标号写在横线上(每空2分,共10分)

(1).Zhang Hua: Hello!My name is Zhang Hua。

Peter: Hello!______.

A:I’m ten.  B:My name is Peter.  C:Goodbye!  D:/

(2).Teacher :How old are you?

Li Ming:________

A:How old are you?  B:Glad to meet you !  C:I’m Li Ming.  D:Eight。

(3).Mr Zhang:Good morning,boys and girls.


A:Hello,Mr Zhang.  B:Good morning,Mr Zhang!  C:Thank you。

(4).Mary: Hi,Miss Li.How are you?

Miss: Li:______

A:I’m fine!Thank you.How are you?  B:I"m ten.  C:Good afternoon.



A. Merry Christmas! B. Happy Teacher’s Day。

2. 当你遇到危险时,你可以大声呼喊:——

A. Help! B. Come and see me。

3。当有人对你说“See you。”的时候,你可以说:——

A. Bye-bye. B. Thank you。


A plan for our trip

My name is Bob. My family likes to go on a trip. We want to go to

Beijing. Beijing is a big city . It has shops , restaurants and

famous places. This is a plan of our trip。

Monday We leave Liuzhou and arrive in Beijing。

Tuesday We go to Tian’anmen Square。

Wednesday We go to the Palace Museum。

Thursday We go shopping。

Friday We leave Beijing and arrive in Liuzhou。


1) Does Bob like to go on a trip? ( )

2) Is Beijing a big city? ( )


1) 他们准备乘什么去北京旅游?( )

A. By bus . B. By plane. C. By bike。

2) Bob 一家计划去下面哪个地方? ( )

A. Three days . B. Zoo. C. Palace Museum


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