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六年级英语试题 2009小升初英语模拟测试题(二)




I. Classify the following words 。(把下面的单词归类,每词1分,共10分)

soccer ball , broccoli, strawberry , chair , baseball , carrot , shirt , ice cream , sofa , coat





II. Match the words with the right pictures 。(把与单词相应的图片的字母标号写在单词后面的横线上,每词1分,共10分)

1. dictionary ________

2. hamburger _______

3. shorts _______

4. dress ________

5. sweater ________

6. shoes ________

7. ice cream _______

8. fish ________

9. hat ________

10. skirt ________

III. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box 。


1. A : ________ this your bag ?

B : No, it ________ . That's my bag over there 。

2. A : ________ they have a car ?

B : Yes , they ________。

3. A : ________ these your parents ?

B : Yes , they ________。

4. A : ________ your brother like ice cream ?

B : No, he ________。

IV. Choose the right answer 。(选择恰当的答语。每题1分,共6分)

Example :

What's your name ? (C)

A. Yes, I am . B. No, I'm not . C. Mike 。

1. What's your phone number ? ( )

A. Yes, I am B. My name is Ben. C. It's 281-9446 。

2. Is he your brother ? ( )

A. Yes , you are . B. Yes , he is . C. Yes , she is 。

3. Where is the backpack ? ( )

A. That's OK . B. Yes , I do . C. It's under the table 。

4. Does she have a baseball ? ( )

A. Yes , she is . B. Yes , he does . C. No , she doesn't 。

5. Let's play volleyball . ( )

A. That sounds good . B. Yes , you are good . C. No, I don't 。

6. How much are these socks ? ( )

A. It's two dollars . B. They're two dollar . C. They're two dollars。


I. 学校体育活动中心有许多俱乐部,李小明要加入篮球俱乐部。请根据教练(A)和李小明(B)的对话填写下面的表格。(共5分)

A : Good morning . Can I help you ?

B : Good morning . I'd like to join the basketball club 。

A : OK . I have some questions . What's your last name ? And what's your first name ?

B : My last name is Li, and my first name is Xiaoming 。

A : What class are you in ?

B : I'm in Class One , Grade One 。

A : How old are you ?

B : I'm thirteen years old 。

A : What's your telephone number ?

B : My telephone number is 62915097 。

A : Can you play basketball ?

B : Yes , I play basketball very well 。

A : OK . Here is a card . Please fill it out 。

B : Thank you 。

A : It's my pleasure 。

Welcome to our Sports Center

First name :

Last name :

Age :

Phone Number :

Sports you like :

II. 阅读下面的名片,然后选择正确的做法。(每题1分,共4分)

1. Gina is 12 。该上初中了,你建议他的父母拨打电话_____________进行咨询。( )

A. 010-63948551

B. 010-65731342

C. 010-63821459

2. Tony is ill 。请你帮他选张合适的名片找医生,这张名片是_________. ( )

A. card A B. card B C. card C

3. Kate's mother want to buy a coat for her 。应该找以上名片上的哪一位?( )

A. Xu Chang B. David Green C. Zhang Ling

4. What does Xu Chang do ? ( )

A. He is a teacher 。

B. He is a doctor 。

C. He is shop assistant 。

III . Gina和她的朋友要去野餐,请阅读下面的对话后为他们列一个购物单。(共10分)

Gina : Let's have a picnic tomorrow 。

Tom : That sounds great 。

Franciscon : I like hamburgers , bananas and broccoli , What about you , Mary ?

Mary : I like strawberries and chicken . Do you like chicken ?

Gina : Yes , I do . I like eggs and tomatoes , too . What about you , Tom ?

Tom : I like carrots and oranges . And my favorite drink is coke . Do you all like coke ?

G, F, and M : Yes , we do 。

Tom : OK . Let's go shopping 。

Shopping list(购物单)

Vegetables Fruits Drink Other food

IV. There are nine cats in the picture . Number the five cats in the picture 。


(1)One of the grey cats is in the box 。

(2)One of the black cats is next to the box 。

(3)One of the black and white cats is behind the door 。

(4)A black cat is on the bed 。

(5)A white cat is on the chair 。

(6)One of the black cats is in the basket 。

(7)One of the black and white cats is under the table 。

V. 阅读下面小文章,把价格写在对应物品的标签上。(共10分)

One day Mrs Brown goes shopping . She buys many things . She buys two hamburgers . They are 2 dollars . She buys some French fries , 1 dollar . She buys some fruit , too . Bananas are 2 dollars and strawberries are 3 dollars . She also buys a T-shirt , socks , pants , a dress , a hat and a handbag . The T-shirt is 4 dollars . The socks are 2 dollars , and the pants are 10 dollars . The dress is 7 dollars and the handbag is 6 dollars 。


1. Read the hotel breakfast menu . Tick some food for your breakfast and then write about your breakfast menu 。(读下面的旅馆早餐菜单。在你想要的食物旁打钩(√),并填写你的早餐菜单。)(共5分)

My name is ____ . I am in Room ____ . I like _____for breakfast . I don't like ____ 。

II. Describe Jim's room according to the given picture 。(根据所给图画内容,用5句左右的话描述Jim的房间。)(共5分)

This is Jim's room . The bag is on the chair 。







III. 选做题(1班、3班同学必做)


Member name age Job Hobbies

You Tom / Kate 12 Student watching TV

Father Ben 40 doctor Reading

Mother Nancy 38 teacher cooking

Uncle John 25 running star listening to music








Alice was twenty-three years old , and she was a nurse at a big hospital . She was very kind and all of her patients (病人) likes her very much 。

One day she was out shopping . She saw an old woman . The woman was waiting to cross (穿越) a busy street . Alice wanted to cross the street , too . So she went over to help the woman cross the street . When Alice was near her , she suddenly laughed and said , " Mrs Green ! You were my patient in the hospital last year ."

Mrs Green was very happy to see her 。

"I will help you cross the street , Mrs Green ," Alice said 。

"Oh, thank you very much , Alice , " Mrs Green said and stepped (走) forward (向前). "No, no , Mrs Green ," Alice said quickly . "Wait ! The light is still red ."

"Oh," Mrs Green answered when she stepped back . "I can easily cross the street by myself (我自己) when the light is green ."

1. Was Alice old or young ? ( )

A. She was old . B. She was young 。

C. No, she wasn't D. Yes , she was young 。

2. Did her patients like her ? ( )

A. No, they didn't B. Yes , they liked her a little 。

C. Yes , they liked her very much . D. Sorry , I don't know 。

3. Did Alice know Mrs Green ? ( )

A. No, she didn't remember . B. Yes , she did 。

C. No, she didn't . D. Sorry , I don't know 。

4. When did Mrs Green want to cross the street ? ( )

A. When the light was green . B. When the light was on 。

C. When the light was off . D. When the light was red 。

5. When did Alice want her to cross ? ( )

A. When the light was on . B. When the light was red 。

C. When the light was off . D. When the light was green 。


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