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一、 根据汉语提示,补全单词(10 分)

1.cart__ __n (卡通) 2.z__br__(斑马) 3. h__lpf__l(有帮助的)

4.d__ct__on__ry(字典) 5.sn__ __kers(运动鞋) 6. b__ __ch(海滩)7.for__ __gn(外国的) 8. s__ __s__ __(翘翘板)

9.__ __i__ __s(洋葱) 10. __ustr__li__ (澳大利亚)

二、英汉互译 (14分)

1. have a talk 2. write a letter ______ 3.folk music

4. a beautiful city 5.take medicine_____________ 6. help yourself

7. take care of ___________ 8. 长城 ___________ 9. 给你____________

10. 去购物__________ 11. 京剧 ___________ 12.还书___________

13.远足______________ 14. 邮局 ____________


1.cheap(反义词)_______ 2. wolf(复数)______ 3.weak(同音词)_______

4.stop(现在分词)______ 5.came(原形)______


1. I ____ (get gets) up ____ ( in at ) 6:30 every morning.

2. ---______(How What) a nice picture! May I have a look?

--- Sure! Here you____(am is are).

3. Let’s get together _____(on in)Sunday evening.

4. ---Look! The boys are______ (play playing) football.

---Yes. They often______ (play playing) football in the afternoon.

5. Can you ____(tell telling) me the way to the park?

6. Bill is ________ (healthy weak). His mother is very worried.

7.The gym is very far from here. We should_____( by take)a bus.

五、将下列词语排列成一句通顺的话 (5分)

1. you How come did here ?

2. your season What’s favourite __________?.

3. having me for Thank you .

4. move fat are Pandas and slowly .

5. trip for the you Are ready _________________________________?


( )1. You’d better ___ some medicine. A. eat B. take C. drink

( )2.---What book is it? ---It’s ___English book. A. a B. an C. the

( )3. He ___ to visit China two days ago. A. come B. comes C. came

( )4. I’m interested in ____ story books A. read B. reads. C. reading

( )5. ---Shall we ___ snowballs? ---Good idea! A. threw B. throwing C. throw

( )6. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

---We __ grandma Li do the housework.

A. help B. are helping C. are going to help

( )7.Tom is _____. I’m sorry to hear that. A. tired B. happy C. ill

( )8.Is it the_____time you come to Beijing? A. first B. one C. once

( )9. Thank you for _____me. A. invite B. inviting C. invited

( )10.--- How long may I keep the dictionary? --- As___ as you need.

A. long B. longer C. longest


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