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六年级 听力部分

I 听音,给下列每组单词标号(5分)

1. ( 2 ) send ( 3 ) call ( 1 ) seesaw

2. ( 3 ) swings ( 2) library ( 1) window

3. ( 2) bookstore ( 1) museum ( 3) hear

4. ( 3 ) medicine ( 1 ) toothache ( 2 ) fever

5. ( 1 ) teach ( 3 ) popular ( 2 ) behind

II听音,补全对话 (10分)

A: Excuse me, which is the way to the Children’s Park?

B: Go down this road, and turn left at the traffic lights. Then walk on to the end of the road.

A: Is it far from here?

B: Yes. You’d better take a taxi. It will take you there.

A: Thanks a lot. B: You’re welcome


1. What’s wrong with you? (A)

2. Where’s the cinema? (B)

3. What are you going to do after school? (C)

4. Who’s calling? (B)

5. Shall we send her some flowers? (A)


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