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新标准英语小学六年级上册Module 8 测试题




( )1. We’ll come to your house ________half an hour .

A.on   B.from   C.for

( )2.Oh! I have some bad news(消息) . I didn’t ________any drinks .

A.bring   B.brought   C.brings

( )3.Look! We can drink water ________this cup .

A. in   B. by   C. from

( )4. ________You often clean your classroom ?

A.Do   B.Does   C.Is

( )5. I love looking ________photos .

A.at   B.in   C. for

( )6. David ________reading story books.

A.like   B.likes   C.liked

( )7. He ________to go swimming .

A.want   B.wants   C.wanted

( )8.I ________go to school by plane.

A.always   B. often   C.never

( )9.There ________some bamboo in the forest(森林)。

A.is   B.are   C.be

( )10.He ________a new bike.

A.have got   B.there is   C.has got

( )11.I ________believe it.

A.am not   B.do not   C.did not

( )12.Panda eat ________twelve hours a day.

A.to   B.at   C.for


( )1.Do you like noodle?


( )2.He don`t like dolls.


( )3.The snake sleep in the winter.


( )4.What`s your favourite foods ?


( )5.Do you like drink tea?



1.is There book a picture photo in this .


2.like Do you books now reading ?


3.you Do to want see photos my?


4.time stopped I a ago long .


5.often you with do dolls play?



Today is Mother`s Day(母亲节)。Dabing wants to buy something for his mother.What does he buy?He doesn`t buy a card or a book as usual(通常地)。And he doesn`t buy a rose because his father often buys it for his mother.Look!He buys a CD-ROM.He says it can help mother learn English.

( )1.Dabing buys a rose for his mother on Mother`s Day.

( )2.Dabing wants to buy something on Mother`s Day.

( )3.He doesn`t buy a book for his mother.

( )4.Dabing`s father often buys a rose for his mother.

( )5.The CD-ROM is for learning English.

同步更新: 六年级英语同步练习】|【六年级英语知识点


只要大家多听、多看、多听和多练,英语成绩很快就能提高。希望我们提供的小学六年级上册Module 8 测试题,对大家有所帮助!



2016年六年级上册英语Unit 8提优卷(附答案) 



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