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(  )1.They love       trees.

A. climbing    B. climb      C. climbed

(  )2.Do you love bananas?       .

A.No , I didn’t  B. No , I don’t C. Yes, I don’t

(  )3.Does she live in Beijing?       .

A. Yes, she does.  B. Yes, I do.  C. Yes, she do.

(  )4.What         it  say?

A. do     B. does       C. did

(  )5.It       snakes can`t hear.

A. say      B. saies    C. says

(  )6.     A beautiful tree!

A. How     B. What    C.Where

(  )7. Why is the snake coming    of the box?

A.to  B.into    C.out

(  )8. Pandas eat     twelve hours a day.

A. to     B. at   C. for

(  )9. _________interesting  DVD!

A. What   B. What an   C. How

(  )10. I ___________like ice cream.

A .am not     B.don’t     C.can’t

(  )11.Dogs like ________children .

A.  playing    B.  play the     C.  playing  with

(  )12.My brother __________like bread.

A.  don’t      B.  isn’t      C.  doesn’t

(  )13.The snakes is out __________the box.

A.  of      B.   in      C. on

(  )14.Cats love___________.

A.  bamboos   B.   bamboo    C.  fish

(  )15.My parents love ____________.

A.   child     B.  childs     C.  children

(  )16.Snakes can’t ___________.

A.     see     B.  feel      C. hear

(  )17.The little baby sleep __________twenty hours a day.

A.  for     B.  in     C. of

(  )18.The snakes __________it is dangerous.

A. think     B. thinking    C.   think

(  )19.__________bears like sleeping?

A .   Does    B.  Do    C.  Are

(  )20.The snakes can use__________body to dance .

A.  it       B.  its     C. is’t


1、a  What  present  fantastic (!)

2、in  sleep  bears  winter(.)

3.  says  hear  it  snakes  can’t(.)

4 .  do  eat  pandas  meat(?)

5.  for   twelve   eat  a   day  hours     panadas(.)


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