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1.  go shopping ___________ 2.  believe it or not

3.  cook dinner               4.  twelve  hours  a  day

5.  Thank  you  again

六、找朋友。 (15分)

(   )1. write a letter to me             A. 某一天

(   ) 2. some  day                  B. 一本关于美国的书

(   )3. live  in  London             C. 弹钢琴

(   ) 4. play  the   piano            D. 和它一起玩

(   ) 5.a  book  about  America         E  感冒

(   )6. play  with  it               F. 给我写一封信

(   ) 7. go  swimming  with  her    G. 来自于中国

(   )8. be  from  China            H. 和她一起游泳

(   ) 9.have  got  a  stamp          I. 住在伦敦

(   )10.have  got  a  cold           J. 有一张邮票


1. I           a  computer,         I’m  using  it  now.

2. Amy           two books,       she  can’t  find  them.

3. My father         a  new T-shirt,      he  doesn’t  like  it.

4. The  boy        an  email  from  his  pen  friend  Jone,

he  is  writing  back  to  her  now.

5. Daming  and  Lingling      a  pet  dog,     they  love  it  very  much.


1.We  carry  flags  and  we  sing  songs        Flag  Day.

2.I  get up        half  past  six        the  moring.

3.Simon  is       United  States, He  likes  playing  football.

4. We often  watch  a  big  football  game    TV  after  dinner      Sunday.

5.We  always  go  dancing          night.

6. Please  give  the  story book          the  boy          England .

7.Please  tell  me  more __   __ the  Great  Wall.


My  Best  Friend

My best friend is Tom. He is a ten years old boy.  He was born(出生) in London,

but now he  lives in China.  Tom has got two big eyes. He can speak Chinese

and English. He likes playing footdall, watching TV and listening to music, but he

doesn’t like swimming. Why? Because Tom is afraid (害怕)of water.  What an

interesting boy!


1.Tom  is  eleven  years  old.                            (     )

2.  Tom  comes  from  England .                           (     )

3.  Tom  can  speak  English ,but  he  can’t  speak  Chinese。(     )

4.  Tom  likes  watching  TV.                              (     )

 5.  Tom  doesn’t  like  swimming  because  he  is  too  young.(     )

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