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(   )1. -- What do the signs mean, Yang Ling?    --______a small house.

A. It means         B. It mean            C. They mean

(   )2. -- There’s a sign there. It means “ No______”. --Yes, we can’t ______in the river.

A. swim; swim     B. swimming; swimming   C. swimming; swim

(   )3. People call the metro “______” in the US.

A. subway         B. underground           C. metro

(   )4.They watch TV_____7:00_____the evening.

A . on; on          B. at; on                C. at; in

(   )5. It means “No parking”. You cannot ______.

A. litter here       B. smoke here.           C. park your car here

(   )6. These signs______different things.

A. means         B. mean                  C. meaning

(   )7. The sign means the floor is ______. You should walk carefuully.

A. dirty           B. clean                 C. wet

(   )8.Tom______go home last night.

A . doesn’t         B. isn’t                 C. didn’t

(   )9. Grandma is sleeping. We______shout.

A. should          B. shouldn’t             C. can

(   )10. --What______you______?  -- I’m watching TV.

A. did; do          B. are; doing           C. am; doing

(   )11. We can ______to keep our school clean.

A. throw the rubbish      B. walk to school    C. sweep the floor

(   )12. The book is on the ground. Please______.

A. pick them up          B. pick up it         C. pick it up

(   )13. --What ______our city dirty?   --Smoke______the cars and the factories.

A. makes; from          B. make; from          C. takes; to

(   )14.-- ______ makes the card for Helen?         -- Mike does, I think.

A. What               B. Where               C. Who

(   )15.-- How did you go to the park yesterday?         -- I______a bus.

A. by                 B. take                 C. took

(   )16.We can ________the flower now.

A.sweep       B.sweeping   C. are sweeping

(   )17. There’s ____________ rubbish in the garden.

A. many      B. lot of      C.some

(   )18. To keep the air clean, we can plant ____________ trees.

A. any       B more       C. much

(   )19. Liu Tao ____________the metro to school yesterday.

A. took       B take       C. by

(   )20. They went there ____________bus last Sunday.

A. By        B took       C. take


(   )1. Look, there’s a ____there. It means we can’t _____in this room. We should be quiet.

(   )2. The sign in the street means we can’t______right.

(   )3. --Do you______the sign over there?  -- Yes, I do.

(   )4. --Can I ______here?  -- No, you can’t. Look at that sign, please.

(   )5. I like______very much.

(   )6. Tina, ______are you so happy today?


1.The streets become very_________ mess).

2. Bobby often_________ (throw) rubbish on the ground.

3. We should_________ (keep) our school clean.

4. Helen_________ (come) to school by metro every day.

5. --Don’t_________  (park) your car here, Sir.    -- Oh, sorry.

6. Look, the old man is_________  (water) the flowers in the garden.

7. The sign on the wall_________ (mean) “Danger”

8. Wang Bing_________ (see) some signs in the cinema.

9. --Mum, where is my football?   --I don’t know. They_________ (be) under the table yeaterday.

10. You can’t_________ (take) the dog into the bookshop.

11.Bobby often __________(walk) to school.

12.What can we do ___________(keep) our city clean?

13.People often _________(plant) trees on Planting Trees Day.

14.--Can you _________(smell) the smoke from there?    --Yes, I can.

15.Well _________(do), children!


1.你应该将垃圾放到垃圾桶里。 You ________ _______ the rubbish _______ the bin.

2.汽车尾气使得空气变脏。  Smoke ________ cars _________ the air ___________.

3.树有助于净化空气。   Trees help __________ the air ___________.

4.我们可以乘公共汽车上学。 We can __________ __________ _________ to school.

5.什么使我们的学校脏乱不已? __________ __________ our school __________?


1. I visit my grandparents every week. ( 用 last week 替换 every week )

I_________ my grandparents_________  _________.

2. We can plant trees to keep the air clean. ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________ can we_________ to keep the air clean?

3. I feel tired and hungry. ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________ do you_________?

4. They went into a big restaurant yesterday evening? ( 对划线部分提问 )

_________  _________ they_________ yesterday evening?

5. It is rainy today. ( 对划线部分提问 )

__________  ______ the weather today?


1. I like eating bananas. (对划线部分提问)     ______________________________________

2. Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground. (一般疑问句)


3. Is the city clean? (陈述句) __________________________________

4. Move some factories away from our city. (否定句)


5. We can take the bus and the metro to school. (一般疑问句)



(   )1. I can cleaning the desks.              _________

A   B     C

(   )2. What make our classroom beautiful?     _________

A   B                C

(   )3. The fish in the water is all dead.         _________

A     B        C

(   )4. There aren’t any factoryes on the farm.  _________

A   B    C

(   )5. There’s some fish in the river.      _________

A    B   C



Sandy i _____ my cousin. He is o______ four years old. He likes to touch e___________. One day, Sandy and I w_______ taking a walk in the park. S_____________, Sandy s_______ some bees on the flowers. He w_______ very happy. He w________ on the grass(草地) and c_________ them. Then a park keeper(管理员) c________ up to us. He p_________ to a sign on the grass and s__________, “Can’t you see the sign?”

Sandy s________, “What does it mean?” “It m________ you s___________ walk on the grass. Fine(罚款) ten yuan.” “Oh, sorry, sir. I don’t know the sign. I just have five yuan. I put only one f_________ on the grass.” The park keeper l___________ and s______, “OK, I won’t fine you. Remember don’t do it again.”

(   )1. How old is Sandy?

A. Six.   B. Five.   C. Four.   D. Three.

(   )2. Where are they taking a walk?

A. In the school. B. In the park. C. In the zoo. D. On the grass.

(   )3. Are there any bees on the flowers?

A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there isn’t.

(   )4. What does the sign on the grass mean?

A. Don’t touch. B. No climbing. C. Keep off the grass.  D. No parking.

(   )5. Which sentence following is TRUE(真实的)?

A. The park keeper fines Sandy ten yuan.

B. The park keeper fines Sandy five yuan.

C. The park keeper gives Sandy five yuan.

D. The park keeper doesn’t fine Sandy.

B) There are some easy things you can do to protect(保护) the environment(环境).

●Plant flowers, grass or trees.

●Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there----keep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a bin .

●Turn off the lights, TVs when you leave(离开) the room.

●Turn off the tap (水笼头) when you brush your teeth. You can save(节约) some   water.

●Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm.

●Give your old books and magazines to a library.

●Give your old clothes to poor children.

●Don’t pour (倒) dirty water into the rivers or the lakes nearby (附近).

If everyone makes a contribution (贡献) to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.

(   )1. The article(文章) is ____________.

A. a sign      B. a story     C. a  proposal (提议)

(   )2 The writer tells us _____________.

A. to throw rubbish into a bin           B. to pour dirty water into the river

C. to save water by turning off TVs

(   )3. We can ___________to save paper.

A. use a glass cup       B. turn off the lights     C. Keep the windows closed

(   )4. Which is WRONG ?

A. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.

B. Close the doors in winter.

C. Pour dirty water into the lake.

(   )5. The main idea(主要意思) of this article is how to _________.

 A. save money            B. save water      C. protect the environment

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