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五.Read and do(按要求答题。10%)

A. 选择每组中不同类的一项,将编号填在题前括号里。(4%分)

(    ) 1. A. sad    B. cat            C. angry

(    ) 2. A. worried        B. afraid         C. hurt

(    ) 3. A. feel          B. happy          C. angry

(    ) 4 .A. ill             B. cold            C. mouse

B. 用“—”标出下列句子中的不完全爆破音。(6%)

1. The next day, it is raining.       2. You can’t do like this.

3. Don’t be angry. You should take a deep breath.

六.Read and do(根据要求写单词。10%)

1. do not(缩略形式)            2. can not(缩略形式)

3. sad(对应词)                4. hear(第三人称单数)

5. Amy is ill. She should                           (看医生)。

6. John is angry. He can                             (数到十)and

take a deep breath.

七.Read andchoose(选择填空。10%)

(   ) 1. ---Are you sad? ---_____ .

A. Yes, it is.    B. No, it isn’t.   C. Yes, I am.

(   ) 2. ---How do you feel? ---_____

A. He is angry.        B. She is angry.       C. I am angry.

(   ) 3. ---Where are the cats? ---_____  .

A. They are at home.     B. I am here.           C. She is at school.

(   ) 4. How ______ Chen Jie        ?

A. do; feel            B. does; feel         C. does; feels

(   ) 5. It’s six o’clock  ______ the morning.

A. in              B. on               C. at

(  )6. It’s time _________ get up.

A. for               B. to                  C. on

(   )7. Don’t  ________ sad.

A. be                B. is                 C. are

(   )8. Zhang Peng is ill. He ________ see a doctor.

A. should            B. shorter            C. long

(   )9. This cartoon is  ________ a cat. The cat is a police officer.

A. with                B. in                 C. about

(   )10. There are many ________ in the old house.

A. mouse               B. mouses          C. mice

八.Read and choose(从B栏选择A栏的正确答语。10%)

A                             B

(    ) 1. Where is the cinema?    A. He is happy.

(    ) 2. What should I do?              B. He is a businessman.

(    ) 3. How does he feel now?          C. Yes, he does.

(    ) 4. What does your father do?       D. You should see a doctor.

(    ) 5. Does he live in Laifeng?         E. It’s next to the bookstore.

九.Read and write(连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。10%)

1. do  I  what   should  ( ? )


.2. exercise  do   you   should  more  ( . )


3. ten  to  should  you  count  ( . )


4. I   happy  feel


5. share   we  should


十.Read and judge(阅读短文,判断对错,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。10%)

Today is Children’s Day. Sarah is going to have a picnic with her parents. She is so happy. But it rains in the morning, so they can’t go out. Sarah is angry about the rain. She reads comic books on the sofa, but there aren’t new ones. She feels board(无聊的). How do Sarah’s parents feel? They are sad, because Sarah is not happy. They take out the food for the picnic and say: “ Come here, Sarah. Let’s have a picnic at home. ” Sarah is happy now. The family has a happy picnic at home.

(    ) 1. Today is Mothers’ Day.

(    ) 2. It’s sunny morning.

(    ) 3. Sarah is not happy because she can’t go out to have a picnic.

(    ) 4. Sarah’s parents have a picnic for her at home.

(    ) 5. At last(最终)Sarah feels happy.


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