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(      ) I see. My father is a postman, too.

(      ) Is your brother a postman?

(      ) Really? Where does your father work?

(      ) Yes, he is. He works in the post office near our school.

(      ) He works in the same post office with your brother.


(      ) 1. Wu Lin usually ______ lunch at school.

( A. have      B. having     C. has)

(      ) 2. My P.E. teacher ______ sports very well.

( A. do    B. does    C. doing)

(      ) 3. I like ______ insects.

( A. watch      B. watching     C. watches )

(      ) 4. ______ are you going to swim? At two.

( A. What      B. Where    C. When)

(      ) 5. ______ is going to play with you? Mary.

( A. What       B. Who    C. When)

(      ) 6. ______ dress is it? It’s Amy’s.

( A. What       B. Which    C. Whose)

(      ) 7. Listen! The girls ______ in the classroom now.

( A. sing      B. sings      C. are singing)

(      ) 8. Can you ______? Yes, I can.

( A. swim      B. swims      C. swimming)

(      ) 9. A ______ can help you find the way.

( A. dancer       B. doctor      C. policeman)

(      )10. A ______ works in a bookstore.

( A. writer      B. bookseller      C. reader)


goes, making, live, swimming,  dive, riding,  singing, flying,  likes, works, by, like

I am Liu Yun. I ________  in China. I like ____________, _____________ and ____________ my bike. I have a new friend. She is Alice. She ___________  __________ model(模型) ships and ________ kites. Her father ________in a school. He is a teacher. He __________ to work ___________ bus.


1. She’s a w       . She writes many books for the children.

2. Look! There is a p          under the traffic lights.

3. Different people have different j     .

4. Her sister Sarah likes u       computers, and she can type very q       .

5. China is a developing(发展中的) c        .

6. Jim likes sky, and he wants to be a p_______ one day.

7. If you like science, you can be a s________.

8. If you can type quickly, you can be a s________.

9. He studies h_____, because he wants to go to u________.

10. I go to work on foot because I want to have a h______ life.


1. Miss.Ma _________   (watch) TV every Saturday evening.

2. Look! Zhang Peng  ______________ (play) basketball.

3. There are many different _______________ (country) in the world.

4. I want ___________   (be) a secretary like my sister.

5. It’s 11:30. I ___________ (have) lunch at 12:30.

6. I am good at _________ (play) football.

7. Miss Cai is a good teacher. We all like _______________ (she)

8. I can’t ______(use) computers, so he helps me ______(type) the words.

9. Mike sees a man _______________ (come) towards them now.

10. We must try _________________ (have) a healthy life.



I’m John. I’m from the USA. There are five people in my family. They’re my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father is a worker. He works in a car factory. After work he always plays chess with me at home. My brother is an art teacher. He can paint very well and he likes that. My sister is a university student. She can dance nice, so she wants to be a dancer. I’m now studying Chinese at school. My mother is at home. She’s a housewife. She does housework at home. I love my family.

1. What does John do?            _______________________________________

2. What’s his father’s hobby?      _______________________________________

3. What does his brother teach?    _______________________________________

4. What is his sister going to be?    _______________________________________

5. What does his mother do at home?_______________________________________


This is a picture of my uncle. He likes math. He works in a bank. He helps the bank use their money well. He likes working with numbers. He goes to work by car, but sometimes he walks. My aunt is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures. She works in a big company. She designs computers. She goes to work by bus.

(  )1.What does my uncle like?

A. He likes math.       B. He likes drawing pictures.     C.He likes computers.

(  )2.How does my uncle go to work?

A. By car.       B. By bus.            C. By bike.

(  )3.Where does my aunt work?

A. In a bank.     B. In a car factory.     C. In a computer company.

(  )4.Who likes working with numbers?

A. My uncle.   B. My aunt.  C.My uncle and aunt.

(  )5.What does my uncle do?

A.He is a teacher.   B.He is an engineer.  C.He is an accountant.

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