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六.Look and write.补充句子。(6分)

1、My aunt is a __________ ___________.

2、---Is your father a __________?---Yes, he is.

3、I want to be a ___________ one day.

4、Zhou Chang’s mother is a _________ _________.

七.Read and choose.读一读,选一选。(10分)

(    )1、I want to _________a singer _______ day.

A. is, one        B. be, one      C.am,one

(    )2、---Does he go to work ________ plane?---No, by taxi!

A. on           B. by          C.in

(    )3、Where does he ____________?

A. work         B. worker      C.working

(    )4、Oliver’s father often goes to other _____________.

A. country       B. countries    C.countrys

(    )5、My father ________ very hard.

A. works        B. work       C.working

八.Finish the sentences.按要求完成句子。(10分)

1、She is an pilot.____________

2、What do she do?____________

3、She goes to Hong Kong by a plane.____________

4、He has a very health life.____________

5、Where does he going to work?____________

九.Choose the right answer.选词填空。(5分)

1、---____________ does your father do?

---He’s a doctor.

2、---____________ does your mother go to work?

---By car.

3、---_____________does your aunt work?

---She works in a factory.

4、---____________ is the head teacher?

---Mr White.

5、________ you like sports, you can be a coach or a PE teacher.

十.Complete the sentences.连词成句。(10分)

1 .does,   father,  what,  your,  do (?)


2 .fisherman,   is ,  mother,  your,  a (?)


3 .uncle,   a,  is,  my,    factory worker (.)


4 .does ,  father,   where,  work,   your (?)


5 .does ,  he,  how,   work,   to,   go (?)


十一.Read the passage and tick or cross.读短文,判断对错(10分)

Sam and Daming are good friends. Sam’s father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He goes to work by bus every day. His mother is an English teacher. She goes to work by bike. Sam likes playing football. He’s good at football. He wants to be a football player. But, Daming is good at basketball. He often plays basketball on the weekend. He wants to work in a university.

(    )1、Sam and Jim are good friends.

(    )2、Sam’s father goes to work by bike every day.

(    )3、Sam’s mother is an English teacher.

(    )4、Sam and Daming are good at football.

(    )5、Sam wants to work in a university.


Please write something follow the form.

Name Job Age Hobby Go to work

 Mike coach 28 Draw pictures By car

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