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Dick is a student in Lincoln Primary School. On school days, he usually gets up at 6:00 ①_______. Then he has breakfast and gets ready for school. He must ②________ at 7:00, because the school is a little far from his home. He usually gets to school ③ ________. At school he has to learn many subjects. He studies very ④________, so he is busy all the time. He has lunch at school. He leaves school at 4:45 in the afternoon. After school, he ⑤ ________ and does some housework. His parents get home at about 6:00 every day. At 7:00, he ⑥_______ with his family. After dinner, he helps ⑦ _______with the dishes. Dick has a cat, her name is Lucy. When he ⑧_______, Lucy will follow the music and dance. But Dick doesn’t have much time⑨________with her. Because he must finish his homework ⑩________he goes to bed. Dick usually goes to bed at 9:00.

(    ) 1. A. in the morning      B. in the afternoon         C. in the evening

(    ) 2. A. do sports             B. leave home          C. water flowers

(    ) 3. A. at 6:30        B. at 6:45           C. at 7:30

(    ) 4. A. hard            B. lazy            C. free

(    ) 5. A. goes home       B. goes to the shop         C. stays in the classroom

(    ) 6. A. has breakfast          B. has lunch        C. has dinner

(    ) 7. A. they            B. them         C. their

(    ) 8. A. reads         B. sings         C. works

(    ) 9. A. playing              B. plays            C. to play

(    ) 10. A. after         B. before            C. if

四、阅读理解   按要求完成阅读     (每小题2分,共20分)

( A )

Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading newspapers and some are saying goodbye to their friends.

Dr Wang , Mr Li and Mr Chen are talking happily. So they don't know the train is going to leave. Then the guard (保安)calls loudly, “The train is going to leave. Hurry up, please.” The three men hear the guard and two of them jump onto the train quickly before it moves. But Dr Wang doesn’t catch the train. He looks very sad. The guard comes to him and says, “Don’t feel bad. The next train will come in ten minutes.”  “I know.” Dr Wang says, “But it is my train . My friends only come to say goodbye to me.”

一、根据上面的短文,判断以下的句子,对的写“ T ”, 错的写“ F ”。

(    ) 1. The three men are talking at the station.

(    ) 2. They don’t know the train is going to leave.

(    ) 3. Dr Wang jumps onto the train at last.

(    ) 4. Mr Chen has to take the next train.

(    ) 5. Dr Wang only comes to say goodbye to his friends.

( B )

Blue Sky Hotel (Nanjing)


Food Drinks Desserts(甜品)

Hamburger: $ 3.50 Coke(small):$1.65 Ice cream: $3.05

Hot dog: $2.85 (large): $1.85 Chocolate:  $3.10

Bread: $3.10 Orange juice: $2.15 Apple pie: $4.15

Egg sandwich: $3.60 Coffee: $2.10 Fresh fruit: $3.80

Tel: 025-81234567


1. Blue Sky Hotel is in __________________.

2. If you only have $3, what food can you buy? _____________________.

3. If you order(点餐) a hamburger and a glass of orange juice.

How much money should you pay? _________________.

4. Ice cream is the ____________________dessert on the menu.

5. If you can’t go to buy food in the hotel, you can order food on __________________.

五、书面表达   (共10分)

结合图片,发挥你的想象力,给大家介绍你的一位叔叔。请写出他的职业,爱好,下周他将会去做什么?怎么去?心情怎样? (40词左右)


同步更新: 六年级英语同步练习】|【六年级英语知识点






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