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一、1. when( C)    2. actor (B)    3. bank(A)

4. Beijing(A)   5. salesman (c)

二、1. What does your mother do? (B)

2. How does he go to work?(C)

3. Can you help me? (A)

4. When does she work? (B)

5. I go to school on foot (B)

三、 1. My father is an accountant.

2. My mother usually goes to work by bus.

3. My brother likes playing the piano. w

4. Weifang works in a hospital.

5. Amy wants to be a teacher.

四、Bob is an engineer. He works in a company. Jenny is an accountant. She works in a bank. She works very hard. Ben is an actor .he goes to work by bus. Andrew is a sales. He sells books. Alice is a cleaner. She gets up at five 0’clock every day, but she likes her job.

1 engineer car      2. accountant     bank

3 actor bus         4 salesperson books

5 cleaner five


一、1. woof  juice   June   who    choose

2. hook childhood   wolf    wood   wool

二、A . engineer     2. actress     3.  actor  4. artist    5 writer

B. 1 school   2 hospital  3 street   4 post office  5 library

三、1 singer     2 likes         3 do    4 go   5 helping

四、 1 B   2 A   3 C    4C    5 C

五、 1. What’s your mother?/ What’s your mother’s job?

2. He doesn’t go to school on foot.

3. What does he do in a car company?

4. What does she like?

5. Does Sarah’s father work in a bank?

六、 1. He likes working with numbers.

2. He is a TV reporter.

3. My aunt works in Beijing.

4. What are you going to be?

5. Does her sister like collecting stamps?

七、 略

 八、1A  2B  3C   4A  5A

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