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( )1. it often in Jiangsu? A. Does; rainy B. Is; rainy C. Was rainy

( )2.I often bus to the school. A. by B. take a C. by a

( )3. Where did Miss Li go _______ the holiday? A. for B. with C. to

( )4.The apples ____________ the tree turned red. A. on B. in C. at

( )5. She is pointing the old man. A. at B./ C. to

( )6.My father is ____________ holiday. A. in B. at C. on

( )7. Can you make a sentence _________ “eat”? A. on B. with C. to

( )8. --What day __________ yesterday? --Tuesday. A. was B. were C. is

( )9. Don’t _________, Tim .Helen is doing her homework. A. shouted B. shout C. shouting

( )10. The kite flew too high and we couldn’t _______ it. A. get on B. put on C. hold onto

( )11.It’s cold outside. Please clothes. A. wear B. putting on C. put on

( )12.It often in spring here. A. rains B. rainy C. rained

( )13. this dress fit you, Yang Ling? A. Is B. Do C. Does

( )14.There was heavy yesterday. It hard. A. rain ; rained B. rained; rainy C. rainy; rained

( )15.I a mobile phone on the Internet last Sunday. A. brought B. buyed C. bought


1. It often _________ (rain) here in spring , but it _________(not rain) last week.

2. He (wear) a black T-shirt yesterday.

3. There _____ (be) a food festival at school yesterday. The children ______(be) excited. They _____ (eat) a lot.

4. Miss Li _________(teach) us English. We all like her very much.

5. Jim often asks his mother ________(read) stories for him.

6. My father (tell) me a story yesterday evening.

7.There (be) a lot of people in the street yesterday.


1. Yesterday, there _________ (is/was) a fashion show at school.______ (What/How) great fun!

2. Jenny is _________(show/showing) her new mobile phone to me.

3. --_________ (Who’s/Whose) kite is it? --It’s my __________(cousin/cousin’s).

4. In the morning, there ________(was/were)some black _______(clouds/cloudy)in the sky.

5. --Where __________(do/did) you go last weekend? w

--I_______ (go/went) to the Shanghai Museum. I ___________ (see/saw) many interesting things.


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