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1. Last Saturday, it was __________ (cloud).

2. Miss Zhang is nice to_______  (we) .

3. It’s __________ (he) turn now.

4. Liu Tao __________ (catch) some fish yesterday.

5. It was too late. He had __________  (go) to work by taxi.

6. Please bring some bread and __________(drink).

7. My mother ___________( not have ) a mobile phone four years ago.

8. Look, Yang Ling___________ ( tell ) a story.

9. New Year is coming.All the children are getting very ______(excite).

10.There__________ (be) a lot of water in the bottle last night.

六、按要求改写句子 8分

1. I watched a film last Sunday.(改成一般疑问句)

_______ you________ a film last Sunday ?

2. I went to the farm for the holiday. (对画线部分提问)

_______ ______ you______ for the holiday?

3. My holiday was great fun. (对画线部分提问)

was your holiday?

4. They visited their friends last week.(改为否定句)

They __________  __________ their friends last week.


1. 天气变得有风而且多云。

The weather __________  _________and cloudy.

2. 房子里住着一位老人和一位小男孩。

An old man and a _________boy __________ in the house.

3. 在下午,天空中有些乌云。

In the afternoon, there were some black ________ in the sky.

4. 30年前,我们通过写信和打电话和朋友们联系。

Thirty years ago, we________ ________ and ______ the __________ to _____our friends.

5. Jim经常在上课后碰见 Nancy.

Jim often________ Nancy after class.


---_______he at school this morning?

---No, he_______. He______ill at home.


Father and son

A well-dressed ( 穿着入时 ) man went into a restaurant one day. He asked for a lot of nice dishes. At that time, a boy came in and sat down beside the man. The man gave him a hamburger. Then he said that he wanted to buy some drinks and then left( 离开 )。

“ Excuse me, your father did not pay( 付钱 ) the money for his meal and your hamburger,”the waitress ( 服务员 )said. “ Father? You’re wrong. I don’t know him at all. I saw him in the street. He says that he will give me a hamburger if I come here at half past twelve.”

(     ) 1. __________went into a restaurant one day.

A. A well-dressed man     B. A boy        C. A well-dressed man and a boy

(     ) 2. The man asked for________  .

A. a lot of drinks        B. a lot of hamburgers   C. a lot of dishes

(     ) 3. The man gave____________.

A. a hamburger to the boy   B. some bread to the boy    C. the boy a cake

(     ) 4. The boy came___________.

A. at eleven forty-five       B. at twelve thirty      C. at twelve o’clock.

(     ) 5. The waitress thought___________.

A. the boy was the man’s son.   B. the man was the boy’s friend.

C. The man couldn’t pay for the meal.


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