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最让我快乐的是什么?是学习,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的六年级上学期英语期中考试题,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


( )1.A.bean B.bar C.bring

( )2.A.clean B.clear C.clearly

( )3.A.centre B.send C.seed

( )4.A.wait B.wave C.world

( )5.A.bottle B.box C.bike


( ) 1.A.There will be a heavy rain.

B.There will be a light rain.

( ) 2.A.I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.

B.I will bring a big orange.

( ) 3.A.I’d like a box of lotus seed mooncakes.

B.I’d like a box of red bean mooncakes.

( ) 4.A.He often has breakfast at 6:45 a.m.

B.She often has breakfast at 6:45 a.m.

( ) 5.A.I read many books during the holidays.

B.I read many stories during the holidays.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



( ) 1.A.speak B.talk C.during

( ) 2.A.usually B.after C.often

( ) 3.A.search B.world C.centre

( ) 4.A.nearby B.heavy C.light

( ) 5.A.rain B.windy C.sunny


1.take(过去式) 2. speak(过去式)

3. box(复数) 4.candy(复数)

5. have(过去式)


( ) 1.I enjoy mooncakes.

A. eat B. ate C. eating

( ) 2.——What did you do during the holidays?

——I some storybooks.

A. read B. reads C. reading

( ) 3. He always his homework before dinner.

A. did B. does C. do

( ) 4.——What are you going to bring for the picnic?

——I will bring a few of chocolate.

A. bar B. bars C. bottle

( ) 5.——What’s the weather like tomorrow?

——There will be strong wind.

A. a B. an C. /


1. often, I, return, with, home, my brother(.)


2. be, clear, will, Tomorrow, in, Beijing(.)


3. email, I, friends, can, my (.)


4. always, Katie, early, gets up(.)


5. like, Which, type, you, do,(?)



( )1. Glad to see you.

( )2. What are you doing now?

( )3. What time do you always get up?

( )4. What did you learn?

( )5. Thank you.

A.I am reading a book. B.Glad to see you again.

C.You’re welcome. D.I learnt new sentences.

E.I always get up at 6:30.


The weather in Shanghai is not always good. In winter it is often cold and wet. In summer it is very hot. Spring is very beautiful. It is not very hot. It is not very cold, but we have a lot of rain in Spring. Autumn is the best season. The days are clear and dry(干燥的) and it is sunny and warm all the time. The weather in Shanghai is sometimes warmer than in Beijing. But in summer it is cooler in Beijing than in Shanghai.


( )1.The weather in winter is very hot in Shanghai.

( )2.In Autumn it is sunny and warm all the time in Shanghai.

( )3.The weather in Shanghai is always good.

( )4.In summer the weather in Beijing is cooler than in Shanghai.

( )5.Autumn is the best season of a year.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的六年级上学期英语期中考试题,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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