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1.I want        (send) a postcard .          2.I can make sentences with       (this) words .

3.They are        (talk) about a sports meet .  4.Some         (child) are playing .

5.There is       (a) interesting book .


(   )Near the London Eye . Go that way .       (   )Turn left at the post office .

(   ) Where is the London Eye ?              (   ) Where can I buy a bamburger ?

(   )How can I get there ?                   (   ) It’s next to the Xiufeng Park .

(   )You can see it on the right .

四。、读一读,填一填。(on   at  in  a   to   get to    in    near   me   help)

1.The hospital is next      the cinema .            2.What         great film !

3.Ture right      the bookstore .             4.There is a science museum       my city .

5.There is a hospital      Zhongshan Street .   6.Excuse         .

7.How can I             the park .          8.Can you         me ?

9.The cinema is         the park.           10.We are       front of Tian’anmen.


1. Let’s          straight .                2.He        to see a film tomorrow .

3.There are two            (hospital ) in my city .

4.You can          (turn ) left at the second crossing .

5. Mike           (have ) GPS . What about you ?


A: Hi  !Where are you going ?             B: I’m going to a great Italian restaurant .

A:Yum! I like pizza . Where            the restaurant ?

B:It’s             the bookstore on Dongfang Street .

A:How  can I         there?

B:          left        the hospital .     A: Let’s go


1.科学                   2.告诉             3.博物馆              4.较远的

5.邮局              6.跟着          7.书店             8.特点

9.右         10.电影院         11.give(过去式)           12.到达

13. 十字路口              14.大街           15. 转弯             16.左

17.披萨饼            18.问          19.餐馆               20 意大利的

21左转         22右转            23 直走

六年级上Unit1周检测(三)        班级:          姓名:


1.现在我们在医院的后面。  Now we                    the hospital .

2.麦克想去书店。 Mike wants to                 .

3.科学博物馆在哪儿?             is  the         ?

4.我家靠近邮局 。My home is            the                    .


(   )1. Turn right here ?                       (   ) 2.Where is the museum ?

(   ) 3.How can I get to the science museum ?     (   ) 4.Where does the boy want to go ?

(   ) 5.Is it far ?

A.  Turn right at the bookstore .        B. No, it’s not far .

C. No. turn left .      D. He wants to go to the cinema     E. It is behind the hospital .


1.Where_______ the library?           A  is            B are        C do

2. ___________is the hospital?

It’s near the post office.              A  What         B  Where    C  When

3. What an _____ picture!             A. interesting      B. pretty      C. small

4.Excuse me, where is the library?  It’s_______ the cinema.   A  next   B  next to  C  at

5. There_______the cinema near here. Yes, there is.         A  are      B  is    C  do

6. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the_____. A  hospital    B  library    C  cinema

7. Is there a cinema near your home? _____    A Yes, there isn’t. .B Yes, there is.  C No, there is.


1. A: _______________ ?              B: We want to go to the cinema.

2. A: _______________ ?              B: Yes, I do.

3. A: _______________ ?              B: You can turn right at the hospital.

4. A: _______________ ?              B: It’s behind the park.

5. A: _______________ ?              B: Great.

A. Do you like pizza?     B. Let’s go to the zoo on Saturday.C. Where do you want to go?

D. How can I get to the museum?     E. Where is the shop?


1.There is a bookstore near the cinema.(改为一般疑问句)___ _____ a bookstore near the cinema?

2.The library is behind the post office.(对画线部分提问)   _________ ______the library?

3.Is Li Lei in the classroom?  (作否定回答)       _____________________


1.can I how there get ?           ¬_______________________________________

2.film what an interesting !        _______________________________________

3.next it’s on to the park street  dongfang .   _______________________________________

4.at turn left the bookstore .        _______________________________________

5.is shop where is  the museum ?   _______________________________________

6.is the where post office ?         _______________________________________

7.want I buy a postcard to .         _______________________________________






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