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1.What _____is it today?

It’s Wednesday.

A.day   B.date   C.time  D.way

2._______is your birthday?

Next week.

A.When    B. What time   C. Why  D. Which

3.Would you like _______?

Sure,I’d love to.

A. come   B. to come   C.coming  D.comes

4.Are you going to ask Eve_____?

A.to come   B.  come   C.coming  D.comes

5.Please_____the party at 6:00pm.

A.to come   B,come to  C.coming  D.comes

6._____is going to do?

A.What  B.When  C.Where  D.Which

7.______May 1st,I’m going to visit my friends.

A.On    B.In    C.At   D.With

8.Today is my_______birthday.

A. Father    B.father’s    C.fathers    D.Father’s

9.Now my mother and I____doing some shopping.

A.is   B.was    C. will  D.are

10.She is going to make a birthday cake____my father.

A.in    B.for    C.of   D.to


1.his , would, like, to, party, you(?)


2.going, are, to, what, you, do(?)


3.bring, could, him, I, to, party, the(?)


4.your, plan, about, what(?)


5.mother, going, to, buy, eggs, some(.)



1.We are going to do some shopping.(对划线部分提问)2.I am going to have a birthday party tomorrow?(变成一般疑问句)3.It’s Wednesday.(对划线部分提问)4.She is going to watch TV at home in the evening.(对划线部分提问)5.My birthday is on May 1st.(对划线部分提问)七、阅读理解10

Peter is four years old. He is lovely. His father and mother love him very much. His mother often feeds food to him and carries him in her arms. Peter is too spoiled(宠坏).It is Sunday. His father wants to take him to the park. Little Peter is asking his father to carry him. His father says,“Peter, you have feet. You can walk yourself.

“But mum always holds me in her arms,” say Peter unhappily.

“Why do you have feet?”

“When I am not happy, I kick my mother with them,” says Peter happily.

(   ) 1.Peter is a ______ child.

A.friendly   B.small   C.lovely   D.English

( ) 2.Peter’s _____ spoils him very much.

A.mother   B.father   C.parents   D.people

(   ) 3.Peter’s father ______ on this Sunday.

A.is teaching him to walk       B.is taking him to play

C.is taking to him             D.is carrying him to the park

(   )4.Peter ________.

A.doesn’t have feet    B.doesn’t want to walk C.can not walk D.doesn’t want to go

(   )5.Peter kicks his mother when he is ________.

A.happy    B.walking   C.spoiled    D.unhappy






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