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4 、 听句子,判断句子的对错,正确的在括号里打钩,错的在括号里打叉。(10 分)

(1)You must litter .(   )

(2) You should play on the street . (   )

(3) You should keep your desk clean . (   )

(4) You shouldn’t spit on the ground . (   )

(5) You should watch TV till late . (   )

二 、 读写部分 (62分)

1、 连词成句。(12分)

(1) eat class don’t in

(2) early should go you beb to

(3) cross the road mustn’t you now


(4) your in hand on time homework

(5) I you may ask question ? a

(6) late don’t class be for

2 、读一读,填一填 ,写一写 。(18分)

(1) Peter is a good____________at school . But some times he is not a good boy at ______________ . He often _____________ a mess _________his room . He doesn’t like to _____________to set the dinner table . He ___________TV the whole evening . He reads in bed and he goes to _________________very ___________________.

(2) 请帮Peter 制定一份家规:


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