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(     )  1.  A. open   B. look      C. sit      D. nice

(     )  2.  A. England   B. Chinese  C. China   D.US

(     )  3.  A.flute    B. guitar      C. hot dog   D. drum

(     )  4.  A.pen     B. pencil    C. book     D.watermelon

(     )  5.  A.sunny    B. warm       C. windy     D. duck


1.middle school___________     2.make a mistake____________

3.all over the world___________  4.ride a bike_____________

5.fly away___________          6.举行野餐______________

7.小心_______________         8.棒球帽_______________

9.说汉语_______________      10.在太空中_______________

三、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式 (10分)

(1)watch(过去式)________     (2)go(过去式)________

(3)see(过去式)__________     (4)sing(过去式)________

(5)spend(过去式)_______      (6)teach(单三式)_______

(7)make(现在分词)_____      (8)swim(现在分词)___________

(9)fly(过去式)_________      (10)do(第三人称单数形式)__


(  )1.We’re looking  ____ some ducks.

A. in         B. at       C. near

(  )2.She’s ____   her homework.

A. do        B. did       C. doing

(  )3. The  ____ are playing in the park.

A. child      B. childs       C. children

(  )4. Look! The boys are walking ____ the blackboard.    .

A. to      B. up         C. in

(  )5.Who ____  help me.     Sorry, I can’t.

A. can       B. can’t        C. should

(   )6. How are you, Mike? You look so________.

It's raining outside. I can't play football.

A. happy         B. excited        C. sad

(   )7. Helen Keller______ born in America.

A. was  B. were  C. is   D. are

(   )8.Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

A. take         B. took           C. taking

(    )9. I_______ my room and watched TV .

A. clean  B. cleaned  C. cleaning

(   )10. The ducks ________ in  the  water .

A. is swimming  B. are swiming.  C. are swimming

(   )11.当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说

A.Thank you very much.  B.Sorry.    C.Goodbye.

(   )12.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问:

A.How much is a hot dog?   B. Here you are.  C. C.How much is a hamburger?

(   )13.今天是小明的生日,你会对他说:

A.Happy New Year!    B.Happy Chirstmas!      C.Happy Birthday!

(   )14.你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说:

A. Can I help you ?      B. Who can help me?       C. I can help you.

(    ) 15、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:________

A、How long are you ?    B、How tall are you ?  C、How large are you ?

(  )16、We’re  going  to ---------Chinese.

A. speaking B. speak C. speaks  D.  making

(   )17、 A  dog _______  under  that  tree.

A.  sleeping  B, is  sleeping  C, sleep

(   ) 18、 I  want _______ some  tea ,please .

A. to  drink   B. drink   C. drinking

(   ) 19、As a baby, Helen couldn’t see       hear.

A. and  B. or   C. but

(   ) 20、How  much  is  it ?    It is ______.

A, thirteen   dollar   and   one    cents.

B. thirteen   dollars   and   one    cents.

C. thirteen   dollars   and   one   cent.


1.What do you want____________(eat)?

2.It’s 4:00 now. Let’s____________(go)home.

3.We______________________(buy) some delicious food tomorrow. What about you?

4.Look!The birds____________(sing) in the tree.

5.They are too heavy. I can’t___________(carry)them all.

6.My mother_________(give)me a storybook on my birthday last year.

7.He saw his father in space and he _____(be)very proud of him.

8、I_____________(eat) an ice cream last night.

9.They __________(come)to the airport to meet their friend, Tom next Monday.

10.He sometimes_________(read) a  book about famous people.


A.Hi          B.  It’s twenty yuan.      C. A cola, please.

D.Thank you.   E. Yes, we have.

Cashier: Hello. Can I help you?

Tom: __________. Have you got a hot dog?

Cashier: __________.

Tom: Good. A hot dog, please.

Cashier: What do you want to drink?

Tom: __________.  How much is it?.

Cashier: __________.

Tom: Here you are.

Cashier: __________.Enjoy your meal!


(   ) 1. Does she teach maths?                   A. I am 160 cm tall.

(   ) 2. How tall are you?                      B. I feel tired.

(   ) 3. How do you feel?                      C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.

(   ) 4. What did you do last weekend?           D. Yes, she does.

(   ) 5. When is your birthday?                  E. I visited my grandpa.

(   ) 6. What day is it today?                    F. It's Wednesday.

(   ) 7. Where did you go yesterday?             G. It's on January 1st.

(   ) 8. Is she playing the violin now?            H. Come in, please.

(   ) 9. May I come in?                       I. I went to Shanghai

(   ) 10. How did you go home yesterday?        J. Yes, she is.

八、 连词成句(5分)

1.are  these  ducks  hungry  very(.)


2.his riding he’s but bike it’s rain to starting (,)(.)


3.of  his  proud  him  son  was  very  (.)


4.carry bag this heavy will Daming (.) ____________________________________

5.I  you  book  bought  this  (.)



1、She’s ___________(买东西) for your birthday.

2、It’s  a  book  about______________________ (太空旅行).

3、It’s  for ______________________________(打棒球).

4、The  boy  is _________________________(吹小号).

5、They  are _________________________(吃野餐).

6、The apples are _________________(跌落) the stairs.

7、He also _____________(制作了一个视频) in space.

8、It’s easy to ______________(犯错误)with English .

9、We’re going to ______________ (告别)to our primary school.

10、It’s  going  to  s_________ in  Harbin.


(     )         (     )           (     )

(    )            (     )

1、 The children are playing hide and seek.

2、 They are looking at some ducks.

3.  These boys are playing football.

4.  Shenzhou V flew into space in October 2003.

5.  The ducks are eat our sandwiches.


It is on Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes. We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing by the lake. Mike and John are swimming in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary? They are sitting under a small tree. They are reading a picture book. We are very happy.

(   )1.What’s the weather like today?

A. It’s Sunday.    B. It’s fine.     C. It’s raining.

(   )2.Where are they playing?

A. In the park.    B. On the hill.    C. In the lake.

(   )3.Who is climbing the hill?

A. Some girls.  B. Some boys.  C. Some teachers.

(   )4.Where are Betty and Mary?

A. They are on the tree.   B. They are under the tree.

C. They are in the lake.

(   )5.What are Betty and Mary doing?

A. They are reading a picture book.

B. They are dancing.

C. They are playing.


一、1.D  2.B   3.C  4.D  5.D  (每小题1分)

二、1.中学     2.犯错误  3.全世界   4.骑自行车    5.飞走    6.have a picnic

7.be careful   8.baseball cap   9.speak Chinese   10.in the sky (每小题1分)

三、1.watched  2.went   3.saw   4.sang   5.spent   6.teaches  7.making   8.swimming   9.flew   10.does  (每小题1分)

四、 BCCAA   CAABC  BCCBB  BBABC   (每小题1分)

五、 1.to eat   2.go   3.are going to buy   4.are singing

5.carry   6.gave    7.was    8.ate   9.will come  10.reads  (每小题1分)

六、1.A  2.E  3.C  4.B  5.D   (每小题1分)

七、1.D  2.A  3.B  4.E  5.G  6.F  7.I  8.J  9.H  10.C   (每小题1分)

八、1.These ducks are very hungry.

2.He’s riding his bike ,but it starts to rain.

3.His son was very proud of him.

4.Daming will carry this heavy bag.

5.I bought you this book.


九、1.buying things

2.space travel.

3.playing baseball

4.playing the trumpet

5.having a picnic

6.falling down

7.made a video

8.make mistakes

9.say goodbye



十、5  1  3  4  2   (每小题1分)

十一、BABBA   (每小题2分)



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