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( )1. A. egg       B. he     C. head       
( )2. A. sister     B. her     C. doctor
( )3. A. lake      B. face    C.apple    
( )4. A. box       B. boat    C. goat 
( )5. A. bus       B. us      C. use 
二、 选出与其它单词不同类的选项。(12分)
( )1. A.old       B. long     C.younger   D.tall
( )2. A. tail      B.cm       C. m        D. ton      
( )3. A.cooked    B.watch    C. read      D.visited    
( )4.A. is        B. are      C. am       D. do
( )5. A.watch     B.who     C.what      D.where    
( )6. A.singer     B. writer   C.worker     D.stronger
三、 词型转换。(10分)
1、头疼(英文)            2、your (名词性物主代词)         
3、tomato (复数)             4、see(过去式)                  
5、have(第三人称单数)       6、watch(过去式)                
7、smaller (反义词)           8、swim(现在分词)              
9、thin (比较级)             10、wear(同音词)                 
1、 Zhengzhou ,how, I, get, can, to

2、yesterday ,went,I,hiking

3、I’m,than, shorter,thinner,you ,and

4、matter, the,what’s,John

五. 根据图片连单词(5分)(其中一幅是多余的)
            leaves                     onions
              sandals                     peas
             cabbage                      comb
            flowers                      basketball
            swimsuit                      T-shirt

1.p     s     2.b     k    3.c           4.cl     d   5.fl        rs

6.a        e  7.k          8.           9.sch           10.e     s
 (1) (   )      did you go on your holiday?  
        -I went to Xinjiang.
A. How     B.Where       C. What
 (2) (   ) I am 42 kg. She is 44kg. 
So I am 2kg       than her.
A.taller     B. thinner      C. stronger
 (3) (   ) How are you today?       
A. I’m five.   B. I can jump.   C. I feel well.
 (4) (   ) I have       English book.
A. an        B. a           C./
 (5) (   ) It’s 11:30. It’s time       lunch.
A. to        B. at        C. for 
 (6) (   )The traffic light is yellow,you may     .
    A. wait      B. stop      C.go
 (7) (   ) Last weekend we       in the park.
A. sing      B. read  books     C. climb the mountain
 (8) (   )I like       TV.
A. watched     B. watch      C. watching
 (9) (   ) Did you learn English?       
A. Yes,I did.  B. Yes,you did.   C. Yes,I do.
 (10) (   ) The dog’s tail is long. The monkey’s tail is       .
A.  longest    B. longer   C. long
(1) Chen Jie is going to make       (she)mother a birthday card.
(2) I would like a new pair of         (shoe)for my birthday.
(3) I went to the bookstore and          (buy)a new book yesterday.
(4) Look,ZhangPeng is        (play) football.
(5) Did you       (row)a boat last weekend?
(      ) (1) Whose bag is bigger?
(      ) (2) Did you help them clean their room?
(      ) (3) How do you feel?
(      ) (4) What can Mike do at the party?  
(      ) (5) What’s the weather like in Kunming?
A. Yes, I did.     B. My bag.     C. I feel sick.
D. It’s usually sunny and warm.
E. He can sing English songs.
1、I am 45kg. (对划线部分提问)
                    are you?
2、My mother is a TV reporter.(改为一般疑问句)
                       a TV reporter?
3、I cleaned my room last weekend.(对划线部分提问)
                you       last weekend?
4、I like grapes.(变为否定句)
   I                 grapes.
It’s Sunday. All the children of Class 1 are going on a big trip. The children are very excited. They will go to the zoo.
Mr. Black: Look! The elephants!
John: Wow! Look at the big one. It’s much bigger than others. Its legs are longer. And it’s stronger.
Wu Yifan: Yes. I think it’s older, too.
Amy: Look at the monkeys. They are funnier.
Sarah: There is a little monkey. It’s so sad, isn’t it? Why?
Amy: Oh! Look at its tail. Its tail is shorter than the other monkeys’.
Sarah: It is so poor.
(1) The little monkey’s tail is       than the other monkeys’.
(2) The little monkey feels so       
(3) The monkeys are shorter but        than the elephants.
(4) The big elephants is much        than others.
(5) They go to the        on Sunday.  
十三、以“My  weekend”为题写一篇周末活动的小作文。(10分)



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