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(   )1. A.        B.         C.  
(   )2. A.        B.         C.  
(   )3. A.        B.         C.  
(   )4. A.        B.         C.  
(   )5. A.        B.         C.  
(   )6. A.        B.         C.  
(   )7. A.        B.         C.  
(   )8. A.      B.       C.  
(   )9. A.  $70      B.¥ 70           C. £70 
(   )10. A.         B.         C.    
1.      2.   3.      4.   5.   
(   )           (   )          (   )           (   )          (   )
(   )       (   )         (   )         (   )          (   )
(   )1.A.It’s thirty yuan.  B.They’re twenty yuan.  C.They were twenty yuan
(   )2. A . It’s near to the park.    B. It’s next to the cinema.  C. Turn right.
(   )3. A.. Red                B. Black          C.Brown
(   )4. A. He’s at home.       B. He does housework.   C. He was at work.
(   )5. A. By bus.              B. By ship.         C. On foot
(   )6.  A. Because I was tired.   B. Because I stayed up late. 
C. Because I do my homework.  
(   )7. A. I’m going to Beijing.     B. I’m going next month.   
C. I’m going by plane.
(   )8. Where is Tom on Sunday.
      A. at the park     B. at the library    C. at home
(   )9. Tom eats enough _________, and drinks a lot of ________ every day.
      A. fruit, water     B. vegetables, exercise  C. vegetables, water
(   )10. Is Tom healthy? 
     A. No, he isn’t    B. Yes, he is.   C. He’s bad.  
五、下面你听到的是有关Wu Yifan上周末活动的一篇短文,请根据听到的短文内容把信息补充完整。一共听两遍。(一共6分,每小题1分)
1. Wu Yifan __________ his grandma on Saturday morning.
2. On Sunday morning, he __________ ____________ with his friends.
3. He _________ his clothes and ________ his _________ Sunday afternoon.
六、 认读单词或短语,找出相应的图画,把编号写在括号里。(12分)
A. radio  B. ride a horse  C.star  D. sofa   E.unhealthy  F. cold   G. crab H. a bag of rice    I. go camping   J. present    K excited   L. scissor 
      (  )         (   )          (   )        (   )     
    (   )         (   )        (   )         (   )
    (    )        (    )          (    )           (     )
七、 选择题。(22分)
(    )1. Tomorrow is Friday. The day before yesterday was___________ .
      A. Saturday     B. Thursday       C. Wednesday
(    )2. ______ is the guitar? It’s 200________.
     A. How much, dollar    B. How many, dollars   C. How much, dollars
(    )3. There _____ some meat in the plate.  
      A. is       B. are      C. am
(    )4. I’m thirty. I have to need some _______.
      A. water    B food      C. bread
(    )5. _____ is before summer.
      A. fall      B. spring      C. winter
(    )6. My sister lost her book. She ____ find it.  
  A. have to  B. has to    C. has for
(   )7. Let’s go and help ______. 
      A. she       B. her     C. hers
(    )8. We often borrow books from the _______
      A. bookstore      B. school    C. library
(    )9. After having the P.E. class. We are very ______.
       A. tired          B. upset     C. angry
(    )10. I am ______ than Dick.
       A. taller         B. tallest     C . tall
(    )11. Which animal is the biggest in the world?
      A. An elephant.        B. A Whale.      C. A lion
(    )12. The sun is _____ than the earth.
      A. bigger        B. smaller    C. longer
(    )13. Yesterday I helped my mom _____ clothes.
      A. washed        B. to wash    C. wash
(    )14. _______ you at the fair yesterday?  Yes, I was.  
      A. Did    B. Were     C. Are
(    )15. I was looking for a game ________.
      A. at the hair salon       B. at the park       C. at the toy store
(    )16. Ben is the _______ boy in his class.  
      A. old         B. older     C. oldest.
(    )17. What’s good for us?__________.     
A. Drink too much cola.  B. Get plenty of exercise. 
 C. Eat too much spicy food..
(    )18. Go straight _______ the bus stop. It’s ______ your right.
      A. to, on          B. at, on        C. from, in 
(    )19. If the light is yellow. We must _________.
A. wait      B. go       C. stop
(    )20.I’m happy because I _____________.
A. got a poor grade        B. got a puppy       C. went home late
(    )21. We didn’t get home at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. So my parents were ______.          A. worry       B. worried     C. scared
(   )22. Too much junk food is _________.
A. healthy      B. unhealthy     C. good.  
(   )1. It’s hot in summer in Taishan.       A.    B.  
(    )2.The boy goes swimming once a month. A.    B. 
(     )3. He is scared because he heard a noise. A    B.  
(     )4. My father is going to Shanghai next Friday.  A.   B.  
(    )5. My hobby is making model plane.    A .   B.  
(    )6. It’s six o’clock. It’s time for dinner.   A.   B. 
(    )7. Vegetables are healthy for us.       A.   B.  
(   )8. They took a train to Tianjin yesterday.  A     B. 
My grandparents __________(A. live  B. lives) in Hong Kong. Last week, they came to Taishan to ________ ( A. visit   B. visited) us. First, they went to Shenzhen _______(A. by  B. take) train. Then, they ______ (A. by  B. took) the bus to Taishan. We _______( A. are  B were) all very happy to see them. We took them to see many places. They took pictures, ate ________( A. good,  B. bad) food and bought presents. We _________( A. have  B. had) a good time together.   
1.Drivers drive on the _______ side(边) of the road in China.
2.He has a toothache. He is going to the_______¬_____ ____________. 
3. Eating vegetables is _______ _______ you.
3. Yesterday I had a g______day. It was my birthday. In the morning, I ______ fun with friends. In the evening, I had a p________ and g______ some 
    It’s not easy to go to the park from my home. First, I have to go to the subway station on foot and go to the No.12 bus stop by subway. Then I take the No.12 bus and get off at the post office.
    The park is next to the post office.  
(   )1. My home is near the park.
(   )2. I have to walk to the subway station.
(   )3. I go to the No.12 bus stop by subway.
(   )4. I go to the post office by bus.
(   )5. I have to take a bus to the park from the post office.
The Yellow Mountain is in the south of Anhui. It’s very beautiful. It’s really a good place to have fun.
Tom went to the Yellow Mountain__1__ his parents on May 1st and he__2__back yesterday. The weather was warm and humid( 潮湿的 ). During that time, they ___3__the mountain, and they enjoyed the sea of clouds, wondrous pines (奇松)and unique rocks(怪石 ). Some rocks looked like cute monkeys. They were very interesting. They took ___4__ pictures. The people there were friendly and the food was tasty. After climbing the mountains, they were a little tired. But they ___5__ a good time there. Tom likes the Yellow Mountain very much.
A. had    B. a lot of     C. with      D.came      E. climbed
1.(    )     2.(     )    3.(     )    4.(     )   5.(    )
   1. _________ and __________         2. ________ and ________
(   )1. south   cloud      (    )2. there   were   (   )3.took  food
 (    ) 4. yesterday   very    (    )5. place  tasty
1.Did Tom go to the Yellow Mountain on June 1st ?
   ___________, ___________ __________.
2. What was the weather like in Yellow Mountain?
3.Does Tom like the Yellow Mountain?
  ____________, ___________ ___________
   以“A         Day” 为题写一篇小作文。

1.pears  2.butterfly  3. skirt  4. cloudy  5.skateboard  6. winter  
7. missed the bus   8. a bar of soap  9. seventy dollars  
 10. at the dentist’s office
1. I stayed at home last night.
2. Mary is going to shop for clothes with her mother this Sunday.
3. I usually play football with my friends in the evening.
4. We can go to Shangxia Chuan Island by train.  
5.My father’s hobby is playing the violin.
Today was a good and bad day. First, I got up late. Next, I missed the bus, but then I got an “A” in my English test.  After a big dinner, I had fun with my friends. 
1. How much were the glasses?
2. Excuse me.Where’s the shopping mall?
3. Hello, what colour is the chocolate?
4.Where was your uncle?
5. How do you usually go to Guangzhou?
6. Why were you tired?  
7. How are you going to Beijing next month?
  On Saturday Tom is at the park. He plays with friends. On Sunday Tom is at the library. He reads books. He eats enough vegetables, gets plenty of exercise and drinks a lot of water every day. So he is healthy.
五、下面你听到的是有关Wu Yifan上周末活动的一篇短文,请根据听到的短文内容把信息补充完整。一共听两遍。(一共6分,每小题1分)
  Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. He visited his grandmother Saturday morning. It was his grandma’s birthday. They cooked noodles together. In the evening, they watched TV. On Sunday morning, Wu Yifan played football with his friends. In the afternoon, he washed his clothes and cleaned his room.

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