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一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10)  
(    )1、A. taller       B. tallest      C. fall       D. doll
(    )2、A. matter      B. match     C. meter     D. mother
(    )3、A. went       B. want      C. where     D. were
(    )4、A.          B.           C.         D.  

(    )5、A.          B.            C.         D.  

1. Did John draw pictures?
----No, he ______ pictures yesterday.
2.I’m very happy. I went___________ last night.
3.Sarah has a___________, so she can’t go to school.
4.My mother cooked some _______ noodles for me _______Sunday. 
5.LiuYun visited her grandparents last_________                        

(    ) 1.Tim is 5 kilograms heavier _______ me.         
A. than     B. then      C. /
(    ) 2.It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time _______ get up.        
A. for      B. to       C. in
(    )3.There _______ no gym in my school five years ago.      
A. was     B. is       C. were
(    )4. _______did you go over your holiday.       
A.  Where     B. What   C. How 
(    ) 5.Bill is _______ English teacher. He likes playing _______ football.   
A. an; the     B. a; /      C. an; /
(    ) 6.-When are you going to Hong Kong? -_______ 
A. This weekend.   B. Last weekend.    C. Yesterday.
(    )7.I often _______ TV on the weekend, but I _______ camping last weekend. 
A. watch; go    B. watched; went    C. watch; went

(    )8.-The mice ______bad.  They_______ people. 
A. is; hurt.   B. are; hurt.  C. is; hurts
(    )9.Teachers’ Day is in _______.        
A. October     B. November     C. September
(    )10-Whose book is it? -It’s not _______. It’s _______ book.  
A. mine; her    B. my; hers     C. mine; hers
(1)The students are __________________(play) basketball now.
(2)They __________________(visit) their grandparents last weekend.
(3)There __________________(be) a bed, a chair and two tables in my room.
(4)-Did you __________________(wash) the clothes last night?
-No, I didn’t.
(5)I __________________(do) my homework yesterday evening.
(6)My mother usually __________________(read) books in her free time.
(7)I’m __________________( heavy) than you now.
(8)She __________________(go) to Beijing by train last Sunday.
(9)Tim is my new pen pal. He __________________(study) Chinese hard.
(10)There __________________(be) no tall buildings in my town three years ago.
(    )1.What did you do yesterday?                A.I feel cold
(    )2.How do you feel?                        B.I climbed a mountain.
(    )3.What’s the date?                         C. October 1st.
(    )4.Where did you go ?                       D. Yes, I did.
(    )5.Did you learn English?                    E.I went to Xingjiang.
1. are, I , you, heavier, think(.) 
2. heavy, he , How, is(?)  
3. stayed, I, home ,my , at, grand ma, with ( .)
4.want , buy, I , magazine, new ,a film, to(.)
5.did, John, Where, last Sunday, go (?)
Yesterday was Sunday. Mr. Green and Mrs.Green went to the park with their children, 
Jim and May. They got up early and had their breakfast quickly. Ater that Mr. Green drove a car. The children were very excited(兴奋)in the car. They arrived there at a quarter(一刻钟)past nine.There were so many people in the park. Jim and May went boating, 
Mr. Green went fishing and Mrs. Green read her favourite book under a big tree.    They all had a good time. 
1. What day is today?______________________________________
2. What did the Green family do yesterday?_____________________ 
3. How did they go there?___________________________________ 
4. Did Mr. Green go boating, too?____________________________
5. Where did Mrs. Green read the book?_______________________ 
It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. after breakfast, I went to the beach with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball on the sands. We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired, but happy. 
 (    ) 1. Yesterday was              . 
  A. Sunday   B. Saturday   C. Thursday   D. Friday
 (    )  2. The weather was                   .
  A. cloudy   B. windy   C. sunny   D. snowy 
(    ) 3. I got up at            .  
 A. 7:00   B. 7:30   C. 8:00   D. 8:30 
(    )  4.I went to the beach with                   
A. Peter   B. Ann   C. Betty   D. Alice    
(   ) 5.Where did the men fish?
A. On the beach  B. On the boat. C. On the sand

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