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Lesson  1
1、Gao wei ____________to Beijing last month.(go)
2、My sister enjoys ____________to music.(listen)
3、A:What did you do yesterday?  
   B:I ____________in a hotel by the sea.(stay)
4、We ____________a big birthday party last week.(have)
5、That sounds____________.(wonder)
Lesson  2
1、He ____________his holiday with his grandma.(enjoy)
2、His children ____________at home last night.(be)
3、I ____________ a big party yesterday.(have)
4、How ____________ your brother go to school.(do)
5、She ____________ at home last Monday.(stay)
Lesson  3
1、I'd like ____________you something about my daily life.(tell)
2、My sister ____________to  work four years ago.(begin)
3、It's about our English ____________.(learn)
4、These are all my  favourite  ____________ .(topic)
5、Yesterday afternoon we ____________ to see tom.(go)
6、The teacher asks us ____________ this question in English.(answer)
7、They ____________interested  in reading books last year.(be)
8、Now we can ____________games in our classroom.(paly)
Lesson  4
1、She wants to tell us about ____________  English.(learn)
2、The boy didn't ____________ his homework last night.(do)
3、The woman will____________ to Beijing in autumn.(go)
4、I have____________ a lot of words in primary school.(learn)
5、I'm very interested  in ____________ games in the club.(play)
6、The teacher always asked us ____________ in English.(talk)
Lesson  5
1、We are very  ____________ in doing tasks.(interest)
2、We can do it by  ____________ .(we)
3、Peter  ____________ computer games yesterday evening.(play)
4、Everyone  ____________ English in our class.(like)
5、Alice began  ____________ Chinese two years ago .(learn)
Lesson  6
1、They learned by  ____________ (listen) and  ____________(speak).
2、The teachers  ____________ us a lot of things six years ago.(teach)
3、She enjoyed  ____________ football.(play)
4、The boy  ____________ a beautiful song last class.(sing)
5、Our teachers asked us to practise  ____________ .(read)
Lesson  7
1、There  ____________ some water in the cup.(be)
2、You can  ____________ a kite like this.(make)
3、My mum often  ____________ fruit and vegetables here .(buy)
4、____________ there many  people in the park?
5、There are two   ____________  across the street.(cake shop)
Lesson  9
1、We are happy   ____________ you here.(see)
2、There   ____________ a lot of flowers in the park .(be)
3、You can go there on   ____________ .(foot)
4、When you get to the main street,  ____________left.(turn)
5、It takes only a few   ____________ to get there.(minute)
Lesson  12
1、She can  ____________ fruit and vegetables here.(buy)
2、Mary  ____________ there on foot yesterday.(get)
3、Mr Wang likes  ____________  to music very much.(listen)
4、Are there many  ____________ in the shop?(toy car)
5、Do  you know the  ____________ boy in the picture?(five)
Lesson  14 
1、This is her ____________ travel plan.(family)
2、They  ____________ (visit) the West Lake last Friday.
3、The boys  ____________ (talk) about the famous places in the world now.
4、Lucy  ____________ to Hangzhou by plane tomorrow.(go)
5、Would you like  ____________ (go) to the City  Zoo with me?
Lesson  16
1、I'm going to  ____________ (play) the piano today.
2、This is an  ____________ (interest)book.
3、They  ____________ (fly) to Shanghai tomorrow.
4、There  ____________ seven days in a week.(be)
5、Sunday is the  ____________ day of the week.(one)
6、His classmates are going to visit some interesting  ____________ in   Beijing.(place)
Lesson  17
1、The capital city of China is  ____________ Beijing.(call)
2、New York is one of the biggest  ____________ in America.(city)
3、The CN Tower is the  ____________ tower in the world.(tall)
4、I want to see all  ____________ famous places.(this)
5、Let's  ____________ to Toronto,OK?(go)
6、I  ____________ sure you'll like New York.(be)
Unit 4 task 1& Task 2
1、There are three  ____________ in my family.(people)
2、  ____________ begin at 8:00 in the morning.
3、Dick always go   ____________ with his mother.(shop)
4、School   ____________ over at 4:00 in the afternoon.(be)
5、My sister and I usually do   ____________ homework at home.(we)
task 7 & Task 8
1、Gao Wei studies very  ____________ .(good)
2、We should listen to the teacher  ____________ .(careful)
3、Everyone should obey the  ____________.(rule)
4、Please keep your desk  ____________ .(clean)
5、____________ (not be) late for class.
task 9 & Task 10
1、March is the  ____________ month of the year .(three)
2、We celebrate Spring Festival with our  ____________ .(family)
3、____________ Day is on September 10th .(teacher)
4、Look , the people  ____________ National Day .(celeebrate)
5、Children can get  ____________ eggs during Easter.(colour)
Unit 5  task 1 & Task 2
1、How much  ____________ this pair of shoes?(be)
2、I'd like ____________ some milk and bread.(buy)
3、Linda often  ____________ swimming with her father.(go)
4、These shorts are very nice. we'll take  ____________ .(they)
5、Let's  ____________ a shopping list together.(make)
task 3 & Task 4
1、My sister  ____________ (have) many toys in her room.
2、A:Is this tall man  ____________ (you) father ?   B:Yes!
3、A: ____________ (who) bike is this?    B: Sorry , I don't know.
4、Look at these stamps . They're so  ____________ .( colour )
5、Miss Liu is  ____________________  (Mary and Lucy ) English teacher.
task 7 & Task 8
1、I learned a lot by ____________ (make) things.
2、Mr White can  ____________ (draw) a lot of things.  
3、Mary learned  ____________ (do) a lot of things.
4、The boy in blue  ____________ ( be ) born in Australia.
5、Tom  ____________  (come) to school when he was six.
Unit 6  task 1 & Task 2
1、There are many  ____________ (animal) at the zoo. They're very lovely.
2、I'd like  ____________ (go) to Shanghai this winter.
3、Linda  ____________ (visit) Chinatown tomorrow morning.
4、People can  ____________(see ) all of Singapore from inside the flyer.
5、Let's  ______________  (enjoy) the food here and learn more about it.
task 3 & Task 4 
1、Let's  ______________(make) a travel plan , Ok ?
2、My sister will ____________ (go) to Jinan this summer.
3、There  ____________ (be) a lot of beautiful parks in Tianjin.
4、People can  ____________(take)  the train to see the animals.
5、Disneyland is the  ______________  (one) theme park in the world. 
task 7  & Task  8
1、What's the  ______________(boy) hobby,Peter?
2、Tom ____________ (like) playing computer games.
3、That man is watching TV with his  ____________ (love) granddaughter.
4、Our teacher's hobby is  ____________(collect)  picture cards.
5、Gao Wei comes to see his  ______________  (grandparent) . 
task 9  & Task  10
1、I  ______________(see) a film last Saturday.
2、My little sister  ____________ (be) ill yesterday.
3、____________ (do) you have a good time last summer.
4、The visitors are very  ____________(please)  with our school.
5、Now let me tell you something about my  ______________  (study) . 
task 11   
1、I often go to see _________(I) grandparents on Sunday.
2、My father ____________ (take) a plane to England next month.
3、Yesterday Dick____________ (go) to the supermarket with his friends .
4、Would you like  ____________(come)  to my birthday party?
5、Our teachers ___________  (teach) us many interesting topics last year .

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